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  1. Yooper

    Community Zoom Happy Hour 2024

    I live about 15 miles from any town on an island accessed by a narrow 9 mile winding road out to the Gulf of Mexico, about 25 miles from a restaurant, and further from one I'd actually eat at. .....LOL. There is a takeout pizza place about 45 minutes away though. Nah, we'll stay on island...
  2. Yooper

    Community Zoom Happy Hour 2024

    Sometimes I do- but we’re usually pretty busy until about 8 PM EST or so, and it’s often too late. Evenings is when we have some down time. I’ll try- but it’s unlikely I’ll be able to.
  3. Yooper

    Community Zoom Happy Hour 2024

    I’d love to see you all again- unfortunately 4 or 5 PM on a Saturday is not going to ever work for me. We are always busy with dinner prep and finishing up household chores right about then. Have a great time!
  4. Yooper

    Water Profile in View and on Printout

    Yes, sometimes. Say you take stout ingredients and mash one at 156 and one at 146. You may get a bit more attenuation in the lower temperature, but oftentimes not as much as previously though. Sure, it does affect it a bit, but ingredients and yeast health and mash pH play a greater role...
  5. Yooper

    Forum Update Scheduled for Tuesday, October 17 2023!

    That's really odd- what platform and device are you using? We'll check into it.
  6. Yooper

    Water Profile in View and on Printout

    Studies show that mash temp really doesn't make a huge difference in FG as much as the actual ingredients themselves. By adjusting the yeast attenuation, the FG automatically will correct. For example, the yeasts in the database only give an average attenuation. So say the yeast strain you...
  7. Yooper

    Help me find a recipe!

    If you want a blond ale, you can remove the crystal malt and replace it with carapils/dextrine malt. But it will also change the flavor, of course. If you don't want to dry hop, that's fine but it will be a different beer (not with the hoppy nose). Dryhopping is done post fermentation, and...
  8. Yooper

    iOS App crashes - view recipe from brewing session

    We should have the updates to the apps ready later this month- hopefully by the middle of the month. Which app are you using?
  9. Yooper

    Support for distillers

    We've had this on our list for a while, along with wine/mead/cider too. It's harder to integrate than it seems, as the whole 'brew session" feature where the logs are kept is geared specifically to brewing. I do use it sometimes for my wine and cider, but we all agree it's not at all optimal.
  10. Yooper

    Water Profile in View and on Printout

    I understand- and we are working on the water calculator for both the apps and the site right now. We will be removing the 'link/update' recipe clunky business for example. I'm not happy to hear that you're not using the software, and we do take every suggestion and criticism very seriously...
  11. Yooper

    Recipe Estimates

    The pale ale malt- is this a Castle Malt? In any case, it all looks good. I wonder if your efficiency is just higher than you have in the recipe, as you're only boiling off about half a gallon, and there seems to be really good efficiency. I looked, and the late addition of sugar is being...
  12. Yooper

    Recipe Estimates

    For some reason I'm just seeing this. I'll get with @Pricelessbrewing and see what is going on. Thanks for your patience.
  13. Yooper

    Water Profile in View and on Printout

    But you don't. So I'm not sure where someone else is going. The QWR are right in the mash guidelines and will populate there.
  14. Yooper

    Community Zoom Happy Hour 2024

    Sorry to have missed it- we had an almost-spontaneous dinner with friends, and I was the host. I wish I could participate with you more- I’ve loved it the few times I could make it.
  15. Yooper

    Calculator for Gravity Adjustment

    I’m thinking a simple standalone calculator, like our chaptalization calculator. Put in the current gravity, put in the desired gravity, click ‘dme/LME/corn sugar’ and spit out an amount. Or even our dilution/boil off calculator...
  16. Yooper

    Calculator for Gravity Adjustment

    I haven’t done that in a long time (maybe ever, now that I think about it) but if others would like a calculator like that, I’ll see if we can add it to our standalone calculator group. I can’t picture a way to integrate something like that into the recipe builder.
  17. Yooper

    Community Zoom Happy Hour 2024

    I’ll try! That’s probably too early for me, but I’ll pop in when I can and see if you’re still there. At this time of year (well, all times of year) we’re pretty busy until dark, but it does get dark early these days so I may be able to stop in and say hello. It would be great to see you again.
  18. Yooper

    Coopers brew kits

    With the kits, they are often a combination of ingredients. We do have extracts in the database (like light DME) but not generally branded kits due to the multiple ingredients. If you have a list of the imgredients, you can add them one by one for an accurate estimate of the gravity.
  19. Yooper

    Recipe Estimates

    I checked the stats we have, and they seem right for what you have in your recipe: Are you finding that the OG is significantly lower, and only with this malt? I can dig into it further if there is a different profile from Great Western. I did see on their website that they only list...
  20. Yooper

    Late fermentable addition, wrong ABV

    That’s a tough one- since the ABV is based on OG-FG, so it would have to be added to the calculator as a late addition for that to show. But you can document all of it in the brew log when you brew the batch.
