Attention Android app users!

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Ale’s What Cures Ya!
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Nov 16, 2013
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Upper Michigan/Florida
We finally have the android app in beta testing. We're looking for a few brewers who would be willing to test the app with us, before releasing it to all. If you want to be included in the beta testing, let me know by posting here in the forum and I'll send you a private message with the details.

I'm excited because we have a couple of people already testing today, and so far the results have been positive. I know you've been waiting a long time for the Android update, and we've taken your suggestions and feedback into account to make it better.
I would be happy to give it a shot. I must inform you that I am new to homebrewing I have only brewed 2 times so far, but it could spin a unique newbie assessment of the app. I will be Brewing an octoberfest batch next weekend that will lager until July 1st for my 4th of July party.

I can also be reached by text at 717-448-2639

Line app = swampthing45
For those of you who helped out, we thank you. The results were so positive that we're going live with it. Go ahead and update with the newest version, and continue to let me know what you think. We plan to update more frequently, so your comments and feedback is important to us.
If the Android version is like the iPhone version, it costs extra, and has less features than the web based app. I hadn't really considered that before.
I can take a look at it and test it out.
I'm trying it out, I got the app and a year long subscription, this Sunday I will be Brewing just haven't figured out whether it's gonna be an ale or lager, I'm leaning towards lager though. My youngest completes his military commitment Tuesday and he wants to Brew some beer on Sunday
If the Android version is like the iPhone version, it costs extra, and has less features than the web based app. I hadn't really considered that before.

I use the iPhone version and I like it for being able to sync and things on a brewday. I think it's more my age (old eyes), but I like using the web based version myself. I have an iPhone 5, so the screen is tiny and it's hard for me to type on it. I know that many people do like the apps so we want to keep it available for all of them who want to use it.
I use the iPhone version as well for brew management. But I have to switch over to the web app to see various calculations, which automatically happen there. Things like ABV and efficiency. There's also sorting and hiding available in the web app. That's also not available on the paid iPhone app. I'm sorry to hijack this thread, but it's this thread that made me put those thoughts together.
I'm not quite sure which version I use:p app or web version I use it on my I pad but happy as a pig in the perverbial:eek:.
@Yooper I use an android Galaxy 7 phone and an Apple iPad in conjunction with brewersfriend program I'm not tech savy but as you know I'm on here regularly so sign me up if I suit. Any free beer :p.
I have to admit im kind of dissapointed with the i phone app. Not a lot of features for the 5 bucks. But it is only 5 bucks.
Just joined Brewer's Friend (I have been using Brewtoad). I saw that there was a mobile app with Brewer's Friend, so I liked the idea of being able to work on recipes on my phone, etc. However, I just went to the Google Play store and see the abysmal reviews of the app (and much the same on the forums here). I really don't want to shell out the $20 ($15 for membership here, and $5 for the app) to find out I'll just be as disappointed. I'm "watching" the forum to get updates....really hoping that the app is improved and I'll have more of a reason to switch from Brewtoad soon!
Just joined Brewer's Friend (I have been using Brewtoad). I saw that there was a mobile app with Brewer's Friend, so I liked the idea of being able to work on recipes on my phone, etc. However, I just went to the Google Play store and see the abysmal reviews of the app (and much the same on the forums here). I really don't want to shell out the $20 ($15 for membership here, and $5 for the app) to find out I'll just be as disappointed. I'm "watching" the forum to get updates....really hoping that the app is improved and I'll have more of a reason to switch from Brewtoad soon!

We are working on the apps, and I've been using mine (iPhone) a bit, but I still like the web version better anyway. I've found myself using the web version on my phone more than the app, actually. I now have an iPhone 7, and the desktop site works well on both Safari and Chrome.
We've got a good updated android app almost ready to "go live", and it's in beta testing now. I'll keep you all informed when it is pushed out.
We finally have the android app in beta testing. We're looking for a few brewers who would be willing to test the app with us, before releasing it to all. If you want to be included in the beta testing, let me know by posting here in the forum and I'll send you a private message with the details.

I'm excited because we have a couple of people already testing today, and so far the results have been positive. I know you've been waiting a long time for the Android update, and we've taken your suggestions and feedback into account to make it better.
I'd be quite happy to test as I have purchased the mobile version and it does lack quality as to web version and the ability to add ingrdients that are'nt listed.
I'd be quite happy to test as I have purchased the mobile version and it does lack quality as to web version and the ability to add ingrdients that are'nt listed.

I'll send you the link in a conversation box!
Also on android here. Happy to help beta test it. Do you have to own the app already?

Generally use the web version due to people saying the app lacks some of the features.
We did push that version live, so it's the one in the app store. If you haven't updated, you could try to update it to get that version. If you don't have the app, let me see if I can figure out something for you, to get it and help us with feedback.
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