Choc-Coffee Stout


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Mar 30, 2016
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Palmwoods QLD
Gday all I've found me a new beer blog

I don't know if any of youse have given this site a look but I think it's well worth your while a well detailed blog on many different tasty looking beer with pictures lol:).

Anyhow to the point I saw this chocolate coffee stout recipe on there that I'm salvavating at the mouth to brew especially since my recent disaster of racking my porter onto starssan I'm looking at pitching this one into that garden:oops:.

Anywho I thought I'd share the recipe here for youse peps to have a look and to get some feedback if needed. The recipe to me looks pretty solid. On his blog some brewers are saying they aren't getting big chocolate from the nibs so I'm thinking of maybe upping this a bit. Anyhow here she is...
yes he has some good stuff, looked at it for years
So have you brewed any of his recipes Ozarks they look pretty tasty.
I was reading up on his 12 month old bourbon stout it looked delicious it involved charing some oak chips and kegging this stout for 12 months it was interesting to read the flavour profile change as it aged.
I brewed a few its been a while since I've looked but a couple of the double IPAs, and maybe a amber I think, I changed a few recipes based on what I had at the time, they were all good
Do you mean Bertus Brewery?
this is one Ive brewed and it was a hit

he's a member here by the way but at the time he writes

"So that’s a wrap. I’ll stake the flag and claim this is definitely the best beer I’ve brewed to date. As such, it’s been very hard to resist drinking this on a nightly basis. This one is highly recommended. Brew it, drink it, enjoy it"
Yeah sorry Nosey i didnt check that my spelling is atrocious ha ha. Enjoy the blog its good and inspiring.
Ok so I'm about to mill up the grain for this brew y'all. I'm gunna do something crazy mash in on lunch break here then in a few hours time come back mash out and boil her up crazy eh? The recipie calls for cold steamed coffee in the fermentor 30g I've no way of doing this. Can I just add 30g of coffee grounds at flame out with me cacao nibs whatdya's think??

Also thinking of throwing in a tad of oats to give her some slick mouthfeel yay nay milling now!

just add crushed or ground coffee to the fermenter, I guess if your in a rush maybe next time
just add crushed or ground coffee to the fermenter, I guess if your in a rush maybe next time
Cheers Oz na I'll be getting back to this brew later today just mashing in now. Recipie says cocao nibs and steeped coffee in fermentor. I added 300g of oats as well anyhow strike water ain't far off for my 3.5 hrs mash lol:).
Alrighty all mashed in over 7kg of grain biggest mash yet and plenty dough balls i hit mash temp of 68c. im full volume mashing on this one dont wanna muck around sparging im expecting 75ish efficiency but will see in a couple hours time when i get back to me mash.
Not done a choc/coffee but have done one of each and the coffee came out a cracker(just punched my recipie into b/f.)
I used coffee pods,the ESE type steeped before adding.Used Cocoa nibs in the choc stout,ok but taste didn't last long in storage,needs to be drunk young i think!.
Let us know how this comes out:cool:
This one says 90g of nibs but I've herd a few say not enough how much did you add off the top of your head. I've got 150g available so can nearLy double maybe I'll throw em all in?
Not done a choc/coffee but have done one of each and the coffee came out a cracker(just punched my recipie into b/f.)
I used coffee pods,the ESE type steeped before adding.Used Cocoa nibs in the choc stout,ok but taste didn't last long in storage,needs to be drunk young i think!.
Let us know how this comes out:cool:
Latest 7.5% had 125 gr Raw organic Cocoan beans, which I crushed and 4 vanilla pods, all soaked in 80-90 ml bourbon for 2 days in the fridge. Dumped the whole jar in the primary. Left for 5-6 days, then botlled.

I still have a few bottles which are now 4 months old and the beer is better than ever. The cocoa is present, but not overwhelmingly so, vanilla, if present, I cannot sense it, so more could be added.
Latest 7.5% had 125 gr Raw organic Cocoan beans, which I crushed and 4 vanilla pods, all soaked in 80-90 ml bourbon for 2 days in the fridge. Dumped the whole jar in the primary. Left for 5-6 days, then botlled.

I still have a few bottles which are now 4 months old and the beer is better than ever. The cocoa is present, but not overwhelmingly so, vanilla, if present, I cannot sense it, so more could be added.
I ended up with 156g cacao added to fermentor and 30g ground coffee bean raw. This should all get mixed around in there with fermentation. I didnt get the gravity i was after this brew was a disaster on the brew house front the no sparge i think killed me i hit 66% brew house. But wort tastes tarrific no harshness from roast or chocolate malt it smells great and thats before i added cocao abd coffee.

Definitely learnt a few lessons this brew.
1 dont rush it
2 dont set mash and nick off for a few hours extraction was 86% so not good.
3 sparge its worth it efficiency wise.

Wort looks right though i threw a 2 lt wlp090 decanted starter at it shouldn't be long and the party underway.


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I ended up with 156g cacao added to fermentor and 30g ground coffee bean raw. This should all get mixed around in there with fermentation. I didnt get the gravity i was after this brew was a disaster on the brew house front the no sparge i think killed me i hit 66% brew house. But wort tastes tarrific no harshness from roast or chocolate malt it smells great and thats before i added cocao abd coffee.

Definitely learnt a few lessons this brew.
1 dont rush it
2 dont set mash and nick off for a few hours extraction was 86% so not good.
3 sparge its worth it efficiency wise.

Wort looks right though i threw a 2 lt wlp090 decanted starter at it shouldn't be long and the party underway.
sorry a tad late!!!!:rolleyes::)
i added the equivalent of 120 grams in a 23 ltr brew.I shoved em in the oven on a lowish heat for a short time. The taste was certainly there ok,possibly needed a tad more as i do tend to go less is better on hops etc:D
