Yakima Valley Hops - Ekuanot - Hops | Brewer's Friend
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Yakima Valley Hops - Ekuanot

Description: "Ekuanot (formerly HBC 366) was commercially released in 2014 as “Equinox” by the Hops Breeding Company in Yakima, and subsequently renamed due to trademark issues. It has intense and unique fruity and citrus notes including melon, berry, citruslime, apple and papaya. Ekuanot also contains some spicy, green pepper note. This hop brand has high alpha acids content and high essential oil and is known for its vibrant yellow color during its early growth in the spring. Note Formerly HBC 366 and Equinox "

Most Used In:

Style Uses Avg. Usage Usage Range
Specialty IPA: New England IPA1629%9% - 64%
American IPA1330%6% - 100%