Yakima Chief Hops - Nugget - Hops | Brewer's Friend
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Yakima Chief Hops - Nugget

Description: "Bred in 1970 by the USDA breeding program in Oregon and released in 1983, Nugget is a high alpha cultivar that is beginning to gain some acceptance as a dual purpose variety. Its lineage includes Brewer’s Gold, Canterbury Golding and Early Green. "

Most Used In:

Style Uses Avg. Usage Usage Range
American IPA2226%3% - 100%
American Stout948%19% - 100%
American Pale Ale824%2% - 50%
Imperial Stout862%20% - 100%
American Amber Ale729%13% - 50%
Blonde Ale624%10% - 48%
American Wheat Beer568%16% - 100%
Belgian Pale Ale538%9% - 50%
American IPA511%6% - 25%