Yakima Chief Hops - Chinook
Description: "Developed by the USDA breeding program in Washington State and released in 1985 as a high alpha bittering variety, Chinook is a cross between Petham Golding and a USDA male. In recent years, it has found favor as a dual purpose hop in the craft brewing community as a result of its spice and pine aroma characteristics."
Most Used In:
Style | Uses | Avg. Usage | Usage Range |
American IPA | 56 | 24% | 2% - 50% |
American Pale Ale | 25 | 46% | 20% - 100% |
Specialty IPA: New England IPA | 16 | 21% | 6% - 64% |
American IPA | 10 | 31% | 10% - 60% |
Specialty IPA: Rye IPA | 9 | 32% | 13% - 67% |
Specialty IPA: Black IPA | 8 | 38% | 19% - 51% |
Blonde Ale | 7 | 40% | 8% - 100% |
Imperial Stout | 6 | 51% | 10% - 100% |
American Porter | 6 | 59% | 33% - 100% |
Specialty IPA: Red IPA | 6 | 45% | 26% - 100% |