BSG - Perle - Hops | Brewer's Friend
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BSG - Perle

Description: "Aroma, but in an excellent year can have high enough alpha content for use as bittering as well. Its combination of delicacy and brightness go well with the clean flavors of European lagers and cold-fermented ales, as well as the yeast character of many Belgian beers. Some brewers also find nontraditional use for its flavors in blends for pale ale and other hoppy warm-fermented styles. Aroma & Flavor Characteristics: Lively and sweet with harmonized suggestions of fresh mint and spice in the nose. On the palate, Perle shows a complex mix of floral and spice with mild to medium intensity. "

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Style Uses Avg. Usage Usage Range
Weissbier679%17% - 100%
Märzen550%20% - 100%