BSG - Galaxy - Hops | Brewer's Friend
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BSG - Galaxy

Description: "Aroma and dry hop. Although it has adequate alpha content for bittering additions, Galaxy™ shines when used as an aroma and flavor hop - the later the better for flavor intensity. Its powerful tropical fruit character is at home as a feature in American pale and IPA, wheat beer, saison, and Brettanomyces-fermented beers. Aroma & Flavor Characteristics: Intense and potent. Musky tropical fruit (passionfruit, apricot, Key lime) with dank citrus and earthy blackcurrant. "

Most Used In:

Style Uses Avg. Usage Usage Range
Specialty IPA: New England IPA7935%6% - 100%
American IPA2233%3% - 100%
American Pale Ale1345%13% - 100%
American IPA833%17% - 72%