Barth-Haas - Sabro - Hops | Brewer's Friend
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Barth-Haas - Sabro

Description: "Sabro™ imparts a strong and complex fruit flavor to beer. Sabro is a hop with robust brewing performance that consistently translates its distinct flavor to beer. Sabro’s flavor is notable for its complexity of fruity and citrus flavors, including distinct tangerine, coconut, tropical and stone fruit. In addition, there is a pronounced cream character and secondary flavors of vanilla, cedar, dill, and mint. KEY FLAVORS "

Most Used In:

Style Uses Avg. Usage Usage Range
Specialty IPA: New England IPA6839%8% - 100%
American IPA6644%7% - 100%
American Pale Ale3355%11% - 100%
American IPA942%8% - 100%
American Stout764%14% - 100%
Double IPA537%17% - 48%
English IPA564%35% - 100%
Specialty IPA: White IPA547%14% - 97%
Specialty IPA: Black IPA539%20% - 69%