I really enjoyed number3, but was having efficiency problems I think I have fixed now. London pride is under 5% anyway. Staying low on hops, but kicking up malt and fiddling with oats to see if it has a improved mouthfeel effect.
Also messing with the West Yorkshire yeast. I cannot effectively wash the ESB Wyeast so looking around. Going to try Thames after this one.
preboil OG was on target 1.059 before I decided to do a mini sparge and it dropped to 1.051; adjusting efficiency accordingly
dropped in first addition hop on side while draining; forgot to use spider
PH seems roughly on target between 5-6 on strips
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Last Updated: 2020-04-04 16:43 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Number 6
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System Default
Water Requirements:
Number 6
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
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It was early days in the conditioning of this beer but went to a favorite pub and did a taste test against Fullers. This beer tasted spot on out of the fermenter, but after being in the bottle a couple weeks started to taste dry. It almost had a tart bite aftertaste. I contribute this to the yeast as not much was different other than the pale cookie malt. I think this yeast would be good for a straight up British Pale Ale maybe.