This was originally taken from a Belgian Blonde Strong Ale recipe. As this is a THC infused beer I decided to go with a more estery yeast, a small amount of biscuit malt for body and color, and some coriander and additional IBU to cut the grassy flavor of the tincture, which makes it a bastardized tripel. The small batch and higher alcohol reflects this is a beer intended to be savored and aged.
Also, the starting gravity was 1.049 with a 5.5 gallon start. OG is accurate.
Added 0.5 oz of crushed coriander at 10 min along with the Saaz hops.
The Candi Sugar was added to the wort at 100 degrees.
The honey was added at 75 degrees, just prior to pitching the yeast.
Fermented at 65 degrees 2 days and raised to 68 degrees for 5 days. Transferred to secondary after one week. Gravity was 1.012 at transfer. Secondary for two weeks at 68 degrees. Beer began lightly carbonating which is why the priming sugar is fairly modest.
The THC tincture was made with decarboxylated trim leaves and very small buds soaked in rectified spirits (diluted to 60% abv - 120 proof). Tincture was warmed in a mason jar to 120 degrees for 2 hours, then stored 2 months, shaking once per week.
It was tested for a metered 1.8tsp (0.3oz) per 12 ounces to get a regular user pretty high. The THC tincture was added directly to the bottles with syringe (~8ml) for an additional 1.5% abv (12 oz/0.3oz= 40; 60abv/40=1.5).
One was bottled in a clear glass to observe the setting and final color. All other bottles were brown as we were unsure if the chlorophyll will impact the beer. The first image is the beer two hours after bottling and the remaining tincture, which was roughly 10ml per 12 oz.
We saved a six pack of base beer for aging. In hindsight, it would have been best to add the tincture to a tertiary fermentation for 1-2 weeks to allow for some of the green to settle out. the second picture is 10 days of settling.
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Last Updated: 2020-01-08 17:31 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Bruhaha - THC (Cannabis) Beer
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System Default
Water Requirements:
Bruhaha - THC (Cannabis) Beer
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
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Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
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