Method: sucrose
Amount: 4.9 oz
Temp: 70 °F
CO2 Level: 2.5 Volumes
Target Water Profile
Balanced Profile
xBmt. No target, no adjustment to water - just taking a chance with the municipal supply for the 1st time. All water boiled minimum 15 minutes to remove chlorine taste/smell.
Back in Black (IPA) brewed 11.10.19, pitched 11.11.19
Used tap water, pre-boiled and cooled to 162º for steeping.
Steeped 12 oz Weyermann CaraMunich II & Weyermann Carafa Special III in 5.5 gal water @162º for 15 minutes. Drained fully.
Added 4.33 lbs Breiss CBW Golden Light DME
2.21 lbs. Breiss Munich LME + .92 lbs Golden Lite DME (equivalent to) 3.3 Munich LME; brought to a boil/60 minutes, added Columbus hops at 55 min.
After 20 min. whirlpool/stand, cooled in ice bath to 65º w/in 30 minutes
Aerated by pouring wort back and forth 6-7 times between sanitized pots/buckets
After straining out hops/gunk, 3.2 gallons wort poured into fermenter; added 2.2 gallons pre-boiled/cooled tap water
OG: 1.061 - Brewer’s Friend says 1.056 (I added a 1/2 lb. less malt than recipe. Tasted pretty hearty.)
Let sit overnight
Used Imperial Flagship liquid yeast, poured cold
Pitched at 2 p.m., wort @ 67º
Started foaming/belching overnight, up to 72º, nice thick krausen forming
Attached 4 large ice bags w/bungee cord by 6 AM, dropped to 65º within 2 hrs. Closed vents.
Dropped to 62º by 11 AM, 60º by 12 noon
Changed ice - 3 small bags - rose to 62º by 1 PM, 65º by 3
11.13 AM, about 61º, switched to 2 small bags. Fluctuated betw. 64-68º all day.
11.14 AM, at 62º in AM w/ice almost all melted but water cold & basement cooler (below freezing outside, set to 66º inside overnight). Removed a bag to get it back up a bit.
11.15 AM, ice mostly melted, wort at 66; cooler in basement so didn’t add more; stayed at 66-68 all day
11.16: no ice, still at 66-67º all day. Active fermentation ceased.
11.17: no ice, still at 66-67º all day
11.18: Dry-hopped w/ingredient variations
1.5 oz Chinook pellets
1.625 Chinook dried hops
1.25 oz Centennial pellets
= 4.375 oz dry hops (called for 4, guestimating that my dried hops have a bit lower AA)
Dumped most trub
Opened basement vents to warm room
11.19 AM: Temp at 70º
11:20: 70º and holding
11.21: 70º and holding
11.22: “ “ “
11.23: “ “ “
11.23: Still 70º/Gravity reading: 1.012
11.28: Still 70º. Pull/drain hops bag, drain rest of trub, mix in priming solution (2/3 cup table sugar in 2 cups water)
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Last Updated: 2019-12-09 15:03 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Back in Black
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Back in Black
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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