---------------Nov 2023:
Add 1/2 Tbsp pH 5.2 to Sparge water only. IBU target = 48. Fermented at 65-70F for 11 days. Exceptional flavor! Mixes well with bourbon!
---------------Dec 2022:
Same grail bill. Slight adjustment to mash vs sparge water for higher mash water to grist ratio (one less sparge qt). Keep 48 IBU.
---------------Dec 2021:
Added 1 lb to grain bill (8 oz MO, 4 oz RB, 4 oz Choc); no coffee.
Water adjustments: CaCl2 from 1 to 3 g; CaSO4 from 2 to 5 g; maintain 2:3 Cl:SO4 ratio.
----------------January 2021:
Ferment/Rack: Water qty just right for 5-gallon keg. Clean fermentation; yeast sediment packed close to bottom of fermentor.
----------------December 2020:
Added 0.5 lbs chocolate malt and 0.5 lbs flaked barley to grain bill.
Added 16 oz French Press Dunkin Donuts coffee just after pitch.
Mash/Brew: OG lower than expected at 1.041.
-----------------January 2020 tasting notes:
Solid "basic" dry stout recipe. Good mouthfeel, hop bitterness and character, and overall balance. Could use something extra to make it more interesting, like a boost of roasted maltiness or coffee. I'll bump up chocolate malt or add coffee.
----------------December 24, 2019
FG = 1.010 at 68F (75% yeast attenuation) ABV = 4.5%
----------------December 14, 2019
Soaked 1/2 lb rice hulls in water and mixed with grains just before mash-in (~1 lb extra grain weight). Mash&Boil set point = 160F; initial mash temp = 150F vs. target 150F.
Mash temperature ranged 143-153F, mostly 147-150.
Pre-boil volume just under 6 gallons.
OG = 1.044 at 72F (64% brewhouse efficiency)
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NEW Water Requirements:
O'Sean McChuckles Irish Stout
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
O'Sean McChuckles Irish Stout
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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