Photo 1: bre boil gravity
Photo 2: into the carboy
Photo 3: OG
Photo 4: very dark in the fermenter
5 gallons Mash (added 7g Ca Chl (2 tsp leveled off), and 4g Gyp (1 tsp leveled off)).
1 gallons Sparge (Added no salts to Sparge).
Ferment at 64
No starter
Add Yeast nutrient with 15 mins left in boil
Add Whirlfloc with 15 mins left in boil
Brewed 5/9/19
6am added 5 gallons
7 am only up to 130
Added salts
Let get to 159* prob too high
7:20 mash in
Set temp to 153
Put top lid on with no gasket
Heats until 153 then stops so avg temp must be lower
Also the grain will be cooler than the thermometer
Set to 154
7:40 stirred mash
8:00 heat up sparse water
8:20 turned up heat for mash out
8:27 temp at 165 lifted basket and began sparge
Sparge water 165
Water draining very quickly???
9:07 boil began
Collected 5 gallons @ 1.057
Added 0.5 Simcoe
9:37 added 0.5 Simcoe
10:00 added Whirlfloc hooked up chiller and turned on
10:02 added 1 Citra
10:07 turned off head turned on water in chiller
10:12 down to 180
Added 2 Simcoe and 1 Citra
30 mins then cooled and racked
Pitched at 172
Fermenter set to 169
Collected 3.5 gallons @ OG =1.064
Sunday 12/5 11am
Added 2oz Citra and 1 oz Simcoe
Recipe Photos
Last Updated and Sharing
Public: Yup, Shared
Last Updated: 2019-05-18 19:27 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
O'Brian IPA
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
O'Brian IPA
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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