Method:All Grain Style:American Pale Ale Boil Time:60 min Batch Size:40 liters
(fermentor volume) Pre Boil Size:45 liters Pre Boil Gravity:1.040
(recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 70%
(brew house) Source:James Bird Rating:
4.00 (1 Review)
Calories:139 calories
(Per 330ml)
Carbs:15.5 g
(Per 330ml)
Mashed in with 20L water at strike temp of 78oC. Mash temp of 69oC (target 70oC). Mash pH looks about right from pH strips (perhaps a little more towards 5.2 than 5.5).
Top up with 3L of water at end of the mash to recover 15L of wort
Batch sparge with 2 x 15L water to recover a total volume of 45L for the boil.
Calcium Sulphate (as gypsum): 4g to malt grist and 5g to the boil
Calcium Chloride added to the strike water as 33% solution (not as dihydrate) so scaling / correction factor = 110.98 g/mol (anhydrous) / 147.014 g/mol (dihydrate) * 3 = 2.26. 3.5 x 2.26 = 7.91 mL.
Lactic Acid (88%) added to strike water (5.6 mL) and to sparge water (3.3 mL).
Rehydrated 2 packets US-05 in 2 x 110 mL cooled boiled water at 37oC.
Sprinkle yeast onto surface of water in a glass bottle, cover with foil and let stand for 15 mins.
Stir yeast with sanitised spoon and let stand for 5 mins.
Stir again to form a cream and let stand for 5 mins.
Bring down to wort temperature by adding small increments of cooled boiled water.
Pitch into beer within 30 mins.
Beer 1 (no clarity ferm / carrier fermentor) 21L at 1.047 (after dilution) yeast pitched at 23oC
Beer 2 yeast (+ clarity ferm / no carrier) pitched at 18oC
Beers fermented in our cellar storage at 15-15.5oC.
Collected 2 samples to run an FFT at ambient in our kitchen (21-25oC).
24/01/15 - FFT results. Beer 1 = 1.014. Beer 2 = 1.013. Did a diacetyl test on each sample and definitely diacetyl after heating the samples and then cooling (repeated 5 days later and much less diacetyl).
25/01/15 (Sun, Day 8) Moved into the boiler room at 21oC for "d-rest" before dry hopping.
28/01/15 (Wed, Day 11) - Dry hops added 34g of each varietal in each beer (so 102g DH in ~20L beer [~5 g/L]). Decided against adding Columbus as planned as the hops just did not smell as good as the others (perhaps a little oxidised as the other packets were all opened fresh for the brewday but the columbus was opened a few brewdays ago). Samples taken for gravity readings. Beer 1 = 1.014. Beer 2 = 1.013. Ran a diacetyl test and a small amount detected.
02/02/15 (Mon, Day 16) - Taken to the attic to crash chill (5 days on DH). Attic temp (1oC).
05/02/15 (Thurs, Day 19) - Kegged both beers in corny kegs that had been CO2 purged by transferring a full keg of Starsan from one keg to another under pressure.
Hydro samples tasted fantastic. Very clear and great hop aroma and low / moderate bitterness. Beer was at 3oC after crash chilling so took a while to warm up.
Kegs hooked up to CO2 and purged again before adding 2 bar (30 psi) pressure.
FG = 1.013 for both beers, so 4.5% ABV.
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Last Updated: 2015-02-06 09:28 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
West Coast Bitter
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
West Coast Bitter
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
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