Batch-size adjusted to my fermenter. Estimated boil size assumes 6 L evaporation pr hour.
- Color: The color is a bit lighter than the style traditionally is.<br />
- Perceived malt aroma & flavor: The style is traditionally characterized by malty aroma and light malt sweetness with a light toasted malt character. The toasted character is not expected in this brew as the malt has not been treated at sufficiently high temperatures. The taste should be a bit sweeter than normal.<br />
- Perceived hop aroma & flavor: Usually, it will be very low to low, but I expect it will be high due to the dry hopping.<br />
- Perceived bitterness: Low. pH is at the low end to accentuate the clean and crispy character.<br />
- Fermentation: Low DMS, diacetyl and fruity esters is aimed for.<br />
- The diastatic power should be sufficient to allow self-conversion.<br />
- No protein or beta-glucan rest is needed.<br />
- 10-12.8 degrees is recommended for WLP940. It will start at 10 degrees and increased to 11. A diacetylrest will be applied. This should ensure low to DMS, diacetyl and fruity esters.<br />
- Due to the use of dry hopping and because it is a lager, the beer will be cold crashed and lagered for two weeks.<br />
- Use of dry dopping. Limited to 15 grams for 2 days. To avoid moving too far away from the typical style character of being to the malty side, the dry hopping should not overshadow the maltiness; not too much at least.<br />
Other ingredients:
- Whirlfloc will make proteins coagulate during cooling, thereby avoiding haze and increasing how long the beer will be able to last. Add 5 minutes before end of boil.<br />
Water choices:
- The starting point is the style 'medium lager (amber)' from the book Water.<br />
- The sulfate/chloride ratio is low to emphasize the maltiness.<br />
- Residual alkalinity is lower than usual for the style - the color of the beer is lighter and so the pH would not become low enough if residual alkalinity is not lower than usual. pH in mash is aimed to reach 5.30.
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Last Updated: 2018-05-20 19:37 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Light, dry hopped summer in Vienna
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Light, dry hopped summer in Vienna
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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