Method:BIAB Style:Specialty IPA: New England IPA Boil Time:45 min Batch Size:21 liters
(fermentor volume) Pre Boil Size:29 liters Post Boil Size:25.2 liters Pre Boil Gravity:1.056
(recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity:1.064
(recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 63%
(brew house) Source:Juicy Bits NEIPA (photo) Calories:238 calories
(Per 330ml)
Carbs:24.3 g
(Per 330ml)
Swapped yeast for wlp518 Opshaug Kveik Ale Yeast (Vault Strain), strike temp 72C up from 69C. (See photo)
Kept grain & hop bill the same, added extra yeast nutrient (1.5 tsp instead of 1) for Kviek yeast.
Ferm. Temp set to 32.5C, dry pitched single vial of yeast at 28C and let it warm.
Bubbling super hard after 12 hours, fruity aroma cleaning up from a little funky.
22/8/19 - SG: 1018 (after 4 days!), Ferm died off a day ago, smells slightly funky with a real juicy hit. Dry hopped with single charge (3x45g). Ferm temp dropped to 22C for dry hop.
28/8/19 - FG: 1017, cold crashed.
30/8/19 - Kegged
22/9/19 - (Photo) Funky stone fruit aroma, hazy bright orange gold colour, creamy white head, bitter orange citrus finish, people liked it. Should make again for summer.
4/10/19 - Finished keg, still quite fruity flavoured with a big lingering orange and lemon, juicy AF, a good summer beer that I'd make again.
Batch #2 - 19/8/18 (Worst brew day ever, so many fuck ups)
Swapped from S04 to White Labs Hazy Days (Not listed so selected similar yeast {London Fog}) Best before Aug 18 so used a 1.3L starter with 1/8th tsp yeast nutrient and 2/3 cup DME stirred for 24 hrs.
Cut mash to 45 min as some grain missed the bag and had to try and filter it from the water (didn't get it all), strike temp dropped by 2C to 69C.
Boil time cut to 45 minutes
Fermented out hard and fast, had a slight bubble over but was using a blow off tube (thanks past me).
26/8/18 - Dry hopped with one big charge (3x50g) instead of two seperate ones (because I forgot).
6/10/18 - Kicked the keg, still tasting pretty fruity, not bad.
Batch #1 - 25/3/18
Salts (5g Gypsum, 3g Calcium chloride)
(x2) S04 substituted for Wyeast 1318 London Ale lll.
elaborate 3 step flame out hop addition simplified to 1 late and 1 flame out.
rehydrated x2 yeasts in 250ml, nutrient and 8g of DME on stir plate for 3hr
50% efficiency is low
28/3/18 - dry hopped first addition 60g
2/4/18 - Second dry hop in sock
28/4/18 - Tasted quite fruity with tropical juice hints. Poured only mildly cloudy, very tasty with a pine finish.
Recipe Photos
Last Updated and Sharing
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Last Updated: 2019-10-04 02:56 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Bribie Haze (Kviek IPA)
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Bribie Haze (Kviek IPA)
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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