Can sub honey for the cane sugar if you want a touch of honey character to complement the malt flavors.
French Strisselspalt hops for the late addition would be good as well.
Lots of possible yeast choices for Biere de Garde: Can use a cool-fermented hybrid strain like Kölsch or Alt (German Ale), a Belgian Ale strain fermented on the cool side (don’t want too high esters and phenolics, but some), such as WLP 515 or WLP 570/Wyeast 1388, a farmhouse strain like Wyeast 3726, or Wyeast 3725-PC (Biere de Garde), WLP 072 (French Ale) or WLP 073 (Artisinal Country Ale) would be ideal... if you can find any of them. Additionally, can use a lager strain fermented on the warm side.
Lager for 1-6 months, if you can wait that long!
Won silver in Belgian Ale category at the 2018 Dixie Cup competition.
Award Winning Recipe
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Last Updated: 2018-10-22 21:30 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
De Garde of Earthly Delights
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System Default
Water Requirements:
De Garde of Earthly Delights
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
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