3.19.18 -- The "German Wheat Malt" = German Pale Wheat - Weyermanning Malt.
The "Belgian - Caramel Pils" = Dingemans Cara 8 (Carapils)
The "Belgian Munich" = Dingemans Munich Malt
3.23.18 -- Brew Day // Started 11AM, Finished 5PM //
Using 10 gallons of water, not what the calculator suggests (8.58). 4 gallons strike water, 6 gallons sparge water.
Grain Mill set to approx .0350 to crush grain.
Added chemicals to strike water at approx 90 degrees. Condensation on the hot liquor tank for some reason, possible leak in pot?
11:30am -- CONDENSATION HAS SUBSIDED ON POT. Possibly no leak.
Mash In: Going to change from 165 degrees to 160 degrees on the strike water. Put water in first, then grain.
Mash Temp: approx 145 degrees @ 75 minute mash.
Mash: Yield = approx 2.25, def over 2 gallons, vorlauffed 3 times, grain bed temperature 135 degrees, sparge water 171.7 degrees = 160 degree sparge for 30 mins.
Experienced stuck sparge, simple clearing of the bazooka screen twice fixed it, ended up with approx. 1.5 gallons that doesn't fit in the brew kettle
Followed hop schedule.
Added rinds of 3 large oranges that were cleaned and frozen overnight.
Pitched yeast @ 70 degrees, approx 5 1/2 (5.65) yield.
Beer smells like bananas & bubble gum, which is phenomenal. 9 days in and the orange peels seem to be holding up, no sign of rotting.
I removed the trub from the bottom using the glass mason jar. I sanitized the jar & returned it back to the beer. Airlock had stopped but now seems to have begun again, could be air in the carboy.
OG: 1.060
BE: 64% (58% brewhouse = 1.054)
FG: 1.010 (Was supposed to be 1.011)
ABV: 6.56% (Was supposed to be 6.43-6.47)
Kegged 5 gallons, added 1/2TSP of gelatin to 3/4c of 157 degree water.
Keg set at approx 22PSI at approx. 6:30p
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Last Updated: 2018-04-19 12:10 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Workin' For The Weekend
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Workin' For The Weekend
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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