Method:BIAB Style:British Brown Ale Boil Time:50 min Batch Size:22.5 liters
(fermentor volume) Pre Boil Size:28.5 liters Post Boil Size:24.3 liters Pre Boil Gravity:1.046
(recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity:1.054
(recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 65%
(brew house) Source:Celia Wade-Brown Ale (Beer & Brewer magazine) Calories:167 calories
(Per 330ml)
Carbs:18.2 g
(Per 330ml)
OG: 1054 (hyd. & refract.)
Return to original coffee version with original hop bill, 200 g Crisp Naked Oat malt added to grist.
'Noodlie Appendage' Chai Spiced Brown Ale
4/8/19 - Batch #4 (Chai Spiced) - Eff.
Same grist, yeast (M44) and water chem., new hop bill aiming to be a bit more neutral to allow Chai to show. No idea as to what hops to pair with Chai so left it the same as previous.
Magnum 10 g @ 50 min
Magnum 10 g @ 30 min
Citra 20 g @ 0 min
Mashed at strike temp. of 72 C by accident.
22/819 - Added 1 cup of chai spice (1 tsp of homemade spice dissolved in 200 ml of hot water)
26/8/19 - Got the spice mix pretty right, tastes and smells just a bit of chai.
1/12/19 - Bottled the last few out of old keg, the flavour became a bit more spicy, would make again but at the start of winter. It's a warming beer that takes a while to finish
'Nuts In My Brown' Chocolate Hazelnut Brown Ale
2/12/18 - Batch #3 (NO COFFEE) - Eff. 66% Att. 65%.
Forgot to at the flaked oats (0.26kg) !!!!! Will see if this affects the beers mouthfeel.
9/12/18 - SG: 1022. Tastes quite sweet and chocolate.
11/12/18 - Added 5 drops of Chocolate Hazelnut Flavour (Lorann Oils)
14/12/18 - FG: 1022. Cold crashed. Finished very high, will let it ferment in keg for a few days before adding more flavour.
24/12/18 - Tastes good, quite mellow with restrained flavours, added 3 more drops of flavour. Force carbed for 2 min at 20 psi and left on 30 psi to carb.
6/4/18 - Batch #2 (62% Eff., ABV:5.29%)
Ale malt upped to 5kg from 4.8
Dark grains added with 15 min left in mash
Coarse ground coffee (Sumatran Gayo) from Evolve
Next time mash 31L
SG 1016, added coffee dry hop (up from 100g to 125g) for a slightly stronger coffee flavour
5/11/17 - Batch #1
Dark grains and oats added with 30 min left in mash
Boil time cut to 45 min
Really slow to start fermenting
12/11/17 - SG: 1023
Added 100g coarse grind coffee beens from "Evolve Cafe" in hop bag.
FG: 1021. Cold crashed to 1.5C (Finished really high), kegged.
Drunk at the 4th Golden Prop, tasted amazing and will be made again, great aroma.
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Last Updated: 2020-04-23 09:23 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Morning Brown [Coffee/Chai/Hazelnut]
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Morning Brown [Coffee/Chai/Hazelnut]
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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