I*D High Sierra Pale Ale Beer Recipe | BIAB Blonde Ale | Brewer's Friend
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I*D High Sierra Pale Ale

163 calories 14.4 g 12 oz
Beer Stats
Method: BIAB
Style: Blonde Ale
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 5 gallons (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 7 gallons
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.035 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 60% (brew house)
Source: Brew Magazine
Calories: 163 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 14.4 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Saturday October 21st 2017
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
6 lb Liquid Malt Extract - Extra Light6 lb Liquid Malt Extract - Extra Light 37 2.5 82.8%
1 lb American - Caramel / Crystal 10L1 lb Caramel / Crystal 10L 35 10 13.8%
4 oz American - Caramel / Crystal 40L4 oz Caramel / Crystal 40L 34 40 3.4%
7.25 lbs / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
1 oz Chinook1 oz Chinook Hops Pellet 13 Boil 1 min 2.43 33.3%
1 oz Cascade1 oz Cascade Hops Pellet 7 Boil 1 min 1.31 33.3%
1 oz Cascade1 oz Cascade Hops Pellet 7 Boil 1 min 1.31 33.3%
3 oz / 0.00
Fermentis - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05
1 Each
Attenuation (avg):
Optimum Temp:
54 - 77 °F
Fermentation Temp:
68 °F
Pitch Rate:
2.0 (M cells / ml / ° P) 469 B cells required
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Target Water Profile
Golden State Water
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
0 0 0 0 0 0
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator

High Sierra Pale Ale
Author: BYO Staff
Issue: Jan/Feb 2005
"We start most new homebrewers with an American Pale Ale because of its simple nature and great flavor. The style of American pale ale for the AHA is characterized by American-variety hops used to produce high hop bitterness, flavor and aroma. This bold hop flavor balances out with smooth low to medium maltiness. Good pale ale starts with light extract or pale malt and crystal malt for color and sweetness."

– Gary Wilder, Tucson, Arizona

High Sierra Pale Ale

5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains; OG = 1.060; FG = 1.014; IBUs = 51; ABV = 5.9%


6 lbs. (2.7 kg) light dry malt extract
1 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (10 ºL)
4 oz. (112 grams) crystal malt (40 ºL)
1 oz. (28 grams) Chinook hops (bittering)
1 oz. (28 grams) Cascade hops (flavor)
1 oz. (28 grams) Cascade hops (aroma)
5 oz. (140 grams) priming sugar
1 pkg. brewers yeast
1 grain steeping bag
1 hop bag (for flavor hops)
Step by step:

Add 3 gallons (11.4 L) of water to your pot. Empty grains into the steeping bag. Tie bag and place into pot. Bring temperature of water and grains to 155 ºF (68 ºC) and steep for 30 minutes.

Remove the grain bag from the steeping water and squeeze excess water and discard bag and grains. Bring this to a boil. Remove from heat and add all malt extract. Bring this mixture to a boil and add bittering hops directly into the pot.

Allow the wort to boil for 45 minutes. Add the flavoring hops. Boil for an additional 15 minutes. Put 2.5 gallons (9.5 L) of cold water in a 6.5-gallon (24.7-L) primary fermenter and add the hot wort.

Put on the lid and airlock. Fill airlock half way with water. Allow the wort to cool to 75 ºF (24 ºC) or below. When the temperature reaches 75 ºF (24 ºC) it is time to pitch your yeast.

Before the yeast is pitched take your original gravity reading. Never drop the hydrometer directly into the wort, but pull some wort out and test in a tube or large glass. Follow the directions on the package of yeast before pitching.

Put the lid and airlock back on fermenter. Keep the fermenter in an area, which will maintain a constant temperature of below 75 ºF (24 ºC), but no lower than 60 ºF (16 ºC). Fermentation should start in 8 to 48 hours. Between 3 and 5 days the fermentation will slow or appear to stop.

This is a good time to use your hydrometer to test your specific gravity. After 5 days transfer to your secondary if you are using one. Add the aroma hops now. This is called dry hopping.

Condition your beer for 7 to 10 days or until it clears. It is now time to bottle your beer. Wash all bottles in hot soapy water and rinse. Use the sanitizer of your choice to sanitize your bottles. Dissolve 5 oz. (140 grams) of priming sugar in 1 cup of water and bring to a boil. Allow to cool to room temperature.

Place this in your sanitized bottling bucket. Using the siphon equipment transfer your beer to the bottling bucket.

Attach your tubing to the spigot on your bottling bucket and fill your sanitized bottles. Leave at least 1” of air space in each bottle. Cap all bottles immediately.

Store your beer at 70–75 ºF (23 ºF) to carbonate and age in the bottle for at least 10 days. Aging time varies from type and style of beer. Chill and enjoy!

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  • Last Updated: 2019-03-18 18:23 UTC
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