(10-6-2017) Activate smack-pack yeast ~3hr. Add yeast to cooled starter culture media (~iL water + 0.25 lb brown sugar + 0.25 DME; boiled and simmered 30min) in sterile 4L flask. Had ~7hr growth with occasional swirling before addition to cooled wort.
Steep grains at 66C for 30min, sparge with 77C water. Add Briess Golden Light DME (10.25 LB), bring to boil, add hops and gypsum at appropriate times. Cool wort, add to primary with remaining water, aerate, add yeast, and check with refractometer. Use one beer.net to convert Brix to OG.
OG=1.073 (lower than expected) =volume is may be closer to 6 gal than 5.5. Also not as black as I was shooting for. Next time don't steep in grain bag.
(10-11-17) Transfer to secondary. Brix = 11.8
(11-6-17) Brix =11.8 still. FG @ 1.031. ABV 5.5%. Fermentation stalled or original Brix not accurate due to insufficient mixing wort and remaining water. If OG was 1.087 (Brix of 20.6), then FG=1.023 and 8.4% ABV.
Bottled with ~1/2c corn sugar. Not enough room in carboy to fit all sugar solution I had planned (3/4c).
(1/14/18) ~9 weeks after bottling, it is now nicely carbonated with tan head.
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Last Updated: 2019-02-24 20:59 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Old Collusion
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Old Collusion
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
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