Based on Mad Fermentationist recipe. Hops obtained from special deal at, Aussie 3-pack.
Using London Ale III, will experiment with British V in the future.
Split dry hops into 2 (1:1:1 ratio), first charge 2 days into fermentation and second in keg using stainless steel hop corny keg container.
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Last Updated: 2017-08-29 11:24 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
NEIPA Galaxy-Ella-Vic Secret
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
NEIPA Galaxy-Ella-Vic Secret
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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Germainium • 08/29/2017 at 03:35am How did this turn out? I bought that same pack and am definitely doing an NEIPA with them.
Howzit Brew • 08/29/2017 at 11:19am It’s going into keg tomorrrow so I’ll circle back with a tasting note and some thoughts on it.
Ended up using exactly 4 oz of each so I could do another identical brew if it turned out great. Split my dry hop additions (3 oz to fermentor, 3 oz to keg, 1:1:1 ratio) so I need to update the recipe to reflect that.
Howzit Brew • 08/29/2017 at 12:05pm This is the actual snapshot recipe I used.
Germainium • 08/31/2017 at 05:38pm Thanks! Sample looks nice and hazy! Can't wait to hear and try this out.
Howzit Brew • 09/29/2017 at 02:08pm This turned out fantastic. Very smooth, almost too crushable... I only yielded 4 gallons due to extensive hop trub losses so will have to target 6-6.5 gallons for my next batch.