"Honey Weizen" Weizen/Weissbier beer recipe by Father/Daughter Brewery. All Grain, ABV 7.98%, IBU 24.59, SRM 4.51, Fermentables: (Pale 2-Row, White Wheat, Carapils (Dextrine Malt), Honey) Hops: (Styrian Goldings) Other: (Honey Clover, Irish Moss)
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Last Updated: 2017-12-18 16:47 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Honey Weizen
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Honey Weizen
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Brewed this up, looking forward to trying it! I adjusted the grain bill to use Crystal 10l versus Cara and also 4oz honey in the mash and 12oz at 10 in the boil As well as used the hops I had on hand (cascades same amount though!) was able to get pretty close to the stats though Pre boil 1.046 SG 1.062 We shall see it’s very very active haha 😂 Thanks for the outline dude!
This recipe is fantastic. Only change I made was to add the honey at 10 minutes instead of 30 to try to get a bit more honey flavor in the finished product. I'm so impressed by the WB-06 yeast! I've never used dry yeast on a wheat beer before, but this yeast was wonderful. Beautiful banana and clove aromas from the finished beer and enough honey flavor and aroma to accent the beer but not overpower it. This may turn into a new "house" beer, it's that good. Thanks for the recipe!