1) Treated water and heated strike water to 160. Hit 154 which was over my 152 target. Rode out the 154 and it stayed around that and 153 for the hour. Mashed out to 170 holding the bag off the bottom.
Ph: 5.5
2) Uneventful boil, hopped as planned. Cooled using wort chiller and overshot 150F as it cooled very quickly. Not worried about the lower temps for the whirlpool, but lower than I wanted at ~125. 30 min whirlpool then continued cooling to lowest I could at 80.
OG: 1.062-4 <- hard to tell on the hydrometer but basically right on
3) Transferred to primary and moved to temp controlled chamber to chill to 68. Aerated using a pump and diffusion stone for 30 then pitched ballooned activated wyeast smackpack.
4) Fermentation going very well 12 hours in. After 4 days from pitch I dry hopped stage 1 and pulled a gravity sample. Gravity was at target.
5) Continued fermenting until 8 days from pitch and pulled another sample that read 1.012, so it hit below target. Sanple tasted fantastic!
6) Began cold crash and kegged at 10 days from pitch, adding the second dry hop to the keg in a hop screen. Carb'd at 2.2 vols for a week.
Taste is incredible with very milky smooth mouthfeel. Low bitterness and very aromatic and tasty. Highly recommend this recipe. The ella and Vic are subtle in the taste and the ekuanot blasts through with strong aroma. My best beer yet.
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Last Updated: 2017-11-04 23:45 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Freezing Runway Model (NEIPA)
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Freezing Runway Model (NEIPA)
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
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