Steeping Grains:
Place your crushed grains in the muslin bag and steep in at least 1½ - 2 gallons of water (or your full boil volume, up to 6 gallons) at 155ºF for 15-30 minutes.
Remove Grain Bag:
Discard, and bring the wort to a boil.
Add the Malt Extract:
Remove the kettle from the heat source. Add 6 lbs of Pilsen LME, 1 lb Pilsen DME and 0.25 oz Amarillo hops while stirring well to avoid
scorching on the bottom of the kettle.
When the extract is fully dissolved, return the kettle to the heat and bring back to a boil.
The Boil:
As soon as you see a boiling bubble, set your timer for
90 minutes,
and add the 2
syringes of
Hopshot hop
Hop Addition:
Boil for 45
minutes and
add 1 oz
Hop Addition: Boil
for 25 minutes and
add 1 oz Simcoe
hops and the remaining
3 lbs Pilsen
DME and 0.75 lbs
Corn sugar (3
/4 of
the 1 lb bag).
Hop Addition:
Boil for 20 minutes
then remove the
kettle from the
heat source. Add
1.5 oz Centennial
and 2.5 oz
Simcoe hops and
allow to steep for
10 minutes before
After the Boil:
Cool and Aerating the Wort: Cool the wort to below 80°F using an ice bath,
adding ice made from boiled water to top off your full volume, or using a wort
chiller (best method). Once your wort is below 80°F, transfer it into your primary
fermentor, and take a hydrometer reading. See our FAQs for tips on taking a
hydrometer reading.
Use One of These Methods for Aeration:
• Pour the cool wort between two sanitized buckets several times.
• Mix and stir vigorously for several minutes with a sanitized spoon.
• Aerate with the Midwest Supplies Aeration system for up to 10 minutes (#7862).
• Add pure oxygen for 2 minutes with the Oxygenation Kit 2.0 (#40033).
Fermentation: Pitch (add) your yeast and store your fermentor in a dark area with
a stable temperature of 65-72ºF. Leave until primary fermentation is complete,
usually between 7 and 14 days. If you’re unsure, take a hydrometer reading. If it’s
1.014 or lower, it’s done. Rack to a 5 gallon carboy for secondary fermentation and
aging. Midwest recommends a 2 week secondary fermentation for this kit.
Dry Hops: 1st dry hop addition: 10 days before packaging the beer, add 1.5
oz Columbus, 1 oz Centennial and 1 oz Simcoe to the fermenter. 2nd dry hop
addition: 5 days before packaging the beer add 0.5 oz Columbus, 0.5 oz Simcoe,
0.25 oz Centennial and 0.25 oz Amarillo.
Bottling: Remember to clean and sanitize all of your bottling gear. Mix priming
sugar with 2 cups of water and boil for 5 minutes. Cool and add to your bottling
bucket. Rack your beer on top of the priming solution, making sure it gets mixed
in well. Bottle and cap. Once bottled, store in a dark place between 65–72°F for
1–2 weeks to carbonate.
Enjoy with friends and family!
Recipe Photos
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Last Updated: 2017-07-10 19:38 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Plineus the Wise Extract Version
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Plineus the Wise Extract Version
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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