Now we're changing up the malt bill quite a bit; No cara malt and using 50% brownmalt together with 50% pale ale malt. The rest is identical and aiming for similar degrees of plato; 13°P. Expected color is very dark since we're using 50% of the roasted malt, however it is very lightly roasted, only about 65 Lovibond (Carafa ~400 and Chocolate ~300).
Mash Ph = 6.0 (higher than optimal 5.2-5.5)
Gravity preboil 11.5°P (lower than #1 - #3)
Gravity post boil 13.5
Post boil volume 18.5L
Final volume in fermenter 16L
Final gravity 3.7P (after 7 days)
Final pH 4.34
-- P4#3
Same recipe as P4#1 with BEST Chocolate instead of Carafa II
BEST Chocolate grined finer than rest
Firstwort hopping. New package of Columbus opened, different from #1 and #2. 9g old (16.3% alpha), 6g new (14.1% alpha)
Removed 0.5L in the beginning of boil for yeast hydration. Maybe some hops were also removed.
Preboil: 12.4P (slightly higher than #1 and #2)
Beer appears dark brown. Nice color.
Underpitched with dry yeast: 0.45M/ml/P (1 package, 11g)
Postboil: 14.2P (higher than #1 and #2)
Final Ph about 5.2
Final volume in fermenter 15.5L
Final gravity 2-2.5°P.
-- P4#2
Same recipe as P4#1 with Carafa III Special instead of Carafa II
Garafa III grined finer than rest
Firstwort hopping (removed 0.5L before boil for yeast dehydration. Removing during boil means removing some hops. Wort was boiled separately).
Preboil: 21.5l 12ºP
Beer apears almost black. Darker than #1. More than expected
Underpitched with dry yeast: 0.45M/ml/P (1 package, 11g)
Postboil: 18.5lit. 13ºP
Final volume in fermenter 16L
-- P4 #1
Carafa II grind finer than CaraMunich & Pale Ale.
Firstwort hopping
Preboil: 22lit. 12ºP
Beer appears to be darker than recipe.
Postboil: 19lit. 13ºP
Bitterness: slightly above average (3.5/5bitterness)
Color: Dark, almost black
Underpitched with dry yeast: 0.45M/ml/P
Final Gravity: about 2.5ºP (picture) -> 5.7%
End of fermentation: Very light in aroma and a smooth bitterness (3/5biterness)
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Last Updated: 2017-04-28 05:51 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
P4 #4 - 50:50 Brown Porter
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
P4 #4 - 50:50 Brown Porter
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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