Method: Corn sugar
Amount: 3oz
CO2 Level: 2.7 Volumes
First All grain batch. Actual OG was 1.042 and FG was 1.010. So ABV should be 4.2. Great black color. Lot of coffee and some cocoa. I hope these flavors intensify after bottling. First time with omega labs yeast Irish ale 005. For this beer, the OLy performed excellent. I left the fermentor in my unheated barn with temps fluctuating between 55 to 65 for 4 days. When outside temps were going to hit the 40s I brought the beer into my house which we keep between 65 and 68. The FG tells the tale, I'm happy with 1.010 and it taste like a solid Irish Stout. Used 3oz priming sugar in 2 cups of water. Bottled 1/29/17. 35 1/2 16oz ez caps.
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Last Updated: 2017-02-12 19:44 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
NB Dry Irish Stout
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
NB Dry Irish Stout
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
I can't go on enough about how good this clone is. Deep color, great head; on the nose, I get biscuit, coffee, dried fruits, on the palate, I get coffee, chocolate, raisin, nice malt, very smooth just like the original. This was my first attempt at all grain, and had several people tell me it's a great beer. I had 3 deviations from the NB instructions on this kit. 1) added the cluster hops at 0 minutes and started chilling after 5 min., 2) used omega labs yeast Irish Yale and a starter, 3) used 3 oz the priming sugar at bottling. If you brew from kits and like Guinness, this one nails it.