Prior to pitching- wort was sweet (duh!), and the mouthfeel suitable. The smell was very tropical due to the low bittering hop schedule; Azaaca and Pekko hops reminded me of everything from mango, cucumber and mint. Used a 1 liter starter w/o stir plate (2 days prior to pitching). extremely bright yellow color, reminiscent of a banana peel. OG= 1.050. Fermentation is occurring at ambient room temperature, which during this time of year is between 74-76. A little on the high side for this yeast, but we'll see what happens.
Day 3 - high-krausen has subsided, but the yeast has produced enough CO2 that the sample I pulled was slightly carbonated. Gravity reading = 1.012 (4.99% ABV). At this point, I believe primary fermentation is suitably completed. Tasting notes- excellent mouthfeel; mild, creamy body. Taste like a tropical hefeweizen- subdue notes of banana and clove, but the taste from the boil addition of orange peel and grapefruit peel are present on the back end. I am resisting the temptation of pulling the beer out of primary and putting into secondary. I will leave the beer on the wort until day 7. Will pull a new gravity reading at day 5. Deciding on whether or not to use fining agents to make the beer clearer, like a kristalweizen, or to keep the traditional wheat haze present. Very pleased with the choice of yeast.
Day 5 - gravity has fallen to 1.006 (5.78% ABV). Evidently, I was clearly wrong about fermentation being done on day 3. Will monitor for atleast another 2 days to see if the gravity stabilizes. If it is stable on day 7, I will make to secondary on day 10 or 11. I don't want to rush this beer, but I am eager to pour a glass of it. The honey addition at flameout is now present. Still has the notes of orange peel and grapefruit peel, put I have to pull deep to tate any of the banana or clove characteristic. It is a bit sweeter on the pallet than I am used to tasting, but I have never brewed a beer with such a low IBU. The mouthfeel is still creamy and pleasant.
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Last Updated: 2016-05-12 22:31 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Summer Honey Wheat
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Summer Honey Wheat
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
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