Brewed very successfully on 04/23/16. Pitched decanted yeast at 61 degrees.
Gravity read 12.75 brix (1.0495) which equates to 75% efficiency (almost 76)- initially aimed at 71% - Double milled grain.
Mashed at 150 exact at dough in, and 149 @30 mins.
The water loss calculation of .14 can probably be brought down to .135 since there was still a substantial amount of wort in the cooler as I lifted the bag.
Overall, went great! 9 hours later raised temp to 65 due to not activity.
04/24/16: 15 hours after raising the temp to 65 and there was lots of fermentation activity. Turned down temp to 64. 11 hours later brought down temp to 63. There was krausen ejected and a lot of activity - had to clean the blow off tube as I was afraid it would blow the lid - seemed a bit clogged
04/26/16: beer was at 61 degrees and still bubbling but a lot slower. I took off the cover and see that there's still some krausen ontop and lots of yeast still in suspension and some smell of sulfur.
Meter @72 degrees measured 6 brix (1.0106 @4.9%).
Temp was raised to 66 degrees in hopes of giving it a d-rest. FG is expected around 1.008-1.009
04/17/16: Some bubbling still, and temp was at 65 degrees.
04/30/16: @67 degrees and 5.9 brix. Taste no diacetyl, but there is smell of sulfur. (1.0103 @5%). Not bad. Cannot taste any hop presence.
05/05/16: kegged today. No sulfur smell anymore! Did not have much of a smell at all, and the yeast had dropped and compacted to the bottom.
Measured 5.7 brix @69 degrees (1.0096 @ 5.1%). Nice! 79% apparent attenuation.
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Last Updated: 2016-05-10 03:17 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Munich Helles (WLP029) 5.1%
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Munich Helles (WLP029) 5.1%
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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