Adaption of the BrewDog Punk IPA 2010-Current AG Recipe which appears in DIY Dog.
Recipe uses Extra Pale - using Pale 2-Row here.
Substitutes 2.5kg of Extra Light DME for 1.38kg of Extra Pale.
Uses more Caramalt (0.9kg rather than 0.25kg) to bring the colour up to the target SRM of 7.6
Hop selection is the same as the Punk IPA but with boil addition times and boil hop quantities adjusted to hit their IBU target of 40.
Dry hop quantities are the same as the DIY Dog recipe.
Target ABV for Punk IPA is 5.6% (OG 1053, FG 1011)
Brew day: Ended the boil with 16l of wort way up at 1.086. Adjusted down to 1.054 with 9l of water. Yeast pitched at 21c.
After the first week in FV it's at 1.018. Colour is still a little darker than Punk IPA but the bitterness is spot on. Good hop flavour at this point. Will give it another week in the primary before moving it to a secondary for dry hopping.
At the end of the second week all fermentation activity has stopped and we have a FG of 1.010 giving an ABV of 5.78%. Very nice, drinkable, IPA at this point - slightly hoppy tones, almost earthy, can't tell the Punk IPA and this brew apart in terms of bitterness at this point and the flavour is very clean.
Bottled 40x500ml bottles (batch primed with brewers sugar). Chilled a little sample prior to bottling and the flavour is a good match for Punk IPA! Very similar bitterness, aroma and flavour.
First photo is Punk IPA (left) and You Lookin' At Me (right) after 1 week in primary FV.
Second photo is after dry hopping, just prior to bottling.
Last photo is the bottle top label.
Recipe Photos
Last Updated and Sharing
Public: Yup, Shared
Last Updated: 2016-04-30 16:48 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
You Lookin' At Me Punk? IPA
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
You Lookin' At Me Punk? IPA
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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