This batch of Adirondack Cream Ale is being brewed on 1/18/2016 with two changes from last years brewing of Adirondack Cream Ale on 3/5/2015.
Original Gravity where I buy the ingredients was out of 6 row so I substituted 2 row for 6 row in the original recipe from March 2015. This change in grain concentration and grain type may affect the flavor of the final beer. Who knows.
The second change is using another .50 ounce of Cluster in the last 20 minutes. Lets see if this makes a difference in the final product.
I was going to use a yeast started but opted not to due to the projected OG to be below the limit of when Whitelab says to use a starter (OG 1.070) I don't get to use my cool Erlenmeyer flask this go around.
Racked off into glass carboy. Gravity an unbelievable 1.008. Checked hydrometer for accuracy at room temp tap water was 1.00 gm/ml. But it should not go that low given the grain bill. Last year the same thing happened I checked calibrations then too. All was well.
Current ABV calculations are coming out above 8 ABV
Set Carboy on kitchen counter for a day to check for activity and then into a cold closet to rest.
After two hours the decanted beer showed no signs of restart so I added a low dose of LD Carlson;s Yeast Energizer (Nutrient Booster). Normal dose would be 2.5 teaspoons. I had only 1 1/2 teaspoons on hand so I used it.
Checked gravity on 2/4/2016 and found it to be 1.006 g/ml. I may soon.
Making the ABV 8.93 % Alcohol
Attenuation was 91% I think it is done.
2/7/16 - Fermentation not done. Witnessed airlock movement this morning. Keeping the Cream Ale in the glass carboy another week.
Projected bottling: Feb 15th
Projected aging in fermenters total: 4 weeks. 1 week in Primary and three in secondary carboy
2/14/16 - Racked off beer from glass carboy to bottling bucket. I have 5 gallons of beer to bottle. Checked gravity
OG - 1.74
FG - 1.002
Calc ABV - 9.45%
Used 3/4 cup Extra light DME boiled then put on an ice bath.
4.9 Gallons bottled.
6, 22oz Craft Brew bottles
36, 12 oz
1, Grolsh bottle
1 12 oz pour for the brewmiester
1 busted bottle
= 4.9 gallons
9.45% is kicking my ass, but I don't know it yet.
Current notes as a raw beer without carbonation.
Smells like a Cream Ale and a Saison.
Nice even finish maybe leaning dry but currently well balanced.
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Last Updated: 2016-02-14 15:17 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Adirondack Cream Ale 2.0
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Adirondack Cream Ale 2.0
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
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