For the Dark Munich, I roasted my Light Munich (2# @ 300°F for 15 minutes on parchment paper, turning twice @ 5 & 10 minutes, rest in paper bag for 1-2 weeks.)
Chill wort to <66° prior to pitching yeast then start with slow ramp down to 52°
SP0: 52°
dh0: 336 (14 day ferment)
SP1: 52°
dh1: 36 (1.5 day ramp up)
SP2: 68°
dh2: 72 (3 day attenuation/diacetyl rest)
SP3: 68°
dh3: 24 (1 day ramp down to lager)
SP4: 34°
dh4: 0 (fine with gelatin, transfer to keg & lager)
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Last Updated: 2017-02-05 19:15 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Ahtamic Bock
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Ahtamic Bock
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Super malty and smooth, easily one of my favorite beers. This was really good with Imperial L17 Harvest, and the STC1000+ dark lager profile worked very well. Next time, I'll try it with 34/70 or maybe S-189 yeast just to see how well they work. I shared several bottles of this with friends, and even a small brew pub. All the reviews came back "two thumbs up". Even a buddy who said he doesn't like dark beer couldn't put this one down.
Redleg Ed • 07/19/2016 at 10:48pm Version #2 was made with 34/70. While it still tastes like a Bock, it isn't quite as smooth and malty as the one one made with the Imperial L17 Harvest. This is still really tasty, and definitely good. Next time, I'll try the S-189 before settling in on a "final" recipe.