Orange Blossom Cream Ale Beer Recipe | Partial Mash Cream Ale by jturkish | Brewer's Friend
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Orange Blossom Cream Ale

187 calories 21.5 g 12 oz
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Beer Stats
Method: Partial Mash
Style: Cream Ale
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 5 gallons (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 3 gallons
Efficiency: 72% (brew house)
Source: Matt - Adventures in Homebrewing
Calories: 187 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 21.5 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Sunday January 6th 2013
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
3 lb Dry Malt Extract - Light3 lb Dry Malt Extract - Light 42 4 38.1%
1 lb Flaked Rice1 lb Flaked Rice 40 0.5 12.7%
1 lb American - Pale 6-Row1 lb Pale 6-Row 35 1.8 12.7%
0.50 lb American - Munich - Light 10L0.5 lb Munich - Light 10L 33 10 6.3%
0.25 lb American - Vienna0.25 lb Vienna 35 4 3.2%
0.25 lb Canadian - Honey Malt0.25 lb Honey Malt 37 25 3.2%
14 oz Corn Syrup14 oz Corn Syrup 37 0.5 11.1%
1 lb Orange Blossom Honey1 lb Orange Blossom Honey - (late boil kettle addition) 42 2 12.7%
7.87 lbs / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
0.46 oz Domestic Hallertau0.46 oz Domestic Hallertau Hops Pellet 6.53 Boil 60 min 8.79 50%
0.46 oz Domestic Hallertau0.46 oz Domestic Hallertau Hops Pellet 6.53 Boil 10 min 3.19 50%
0.92 oz / 0.00
Mash Guidelines
Amount Description Type Start Temp Target Temp Time
10 1 gallon of 170f water Sparge -- 150 °F 60 min
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Cost Type Use Time
1 lb Orange Blossom Honey Flavor Boil 5 min.
1 oz Sweet Orange Peel Flavor Boil 5 min.
1 lb Orange Marmalade Flavor Boil 5 min.
1 tsp amylase extract at start of mash Other Mash --
1 tsp amylase extract at middle of mash Other Mash --
Wyeast - Northwest Ale 1332
1 Each
Attenuation (avg):
Optimum Temp:
65 - 75 °F
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
  1. Remove crushed grains from package and put in muslin bag.Place in 2.5 gallon cold water and add 1/2 tsp amylase enzyme to water.Slowly bring to approx. 150 deg., and another 1/2 tsp amylase 30 minutes in, hold temp for 60 min. Discard grain.

  2. Place grain bag in a separate pot of 1 gallon 170f water for about 10 minutes. Take bag out and place in a strainer above the main kettle, slowly pour the 1 gallon water over the grains, spreading it evenly.

  3. Take off heat then add 1/2 of the Malt extract, stir well to dissolve. Bring to a boil then add bittering hops,
    and continue boil for 50 min. Add aroma hops, and boil for 5 minutes. Add
    Honey and Sweet Orange Peel, Boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat then add remainder of dme

  4. Place kettle in ice bath for about 10 minutes until it reaches 100f

  5. Pour 1 gallon ice cold water into fermenter then pour unfermented beer (wort) slowly into fermentation vessel, top off with cold water to 5 gallons.

  6. Let temperature drop to approx. 80 degrees. Take hydrometer reading,close the lid and shake fermenter vigourously for about 5 minutes. Next, “pitch” yeast on top, close lid and give it a nice swirl. Stabilize temp. at approx. 67 – 70 degrees. Keep in primary for 3 weeks then take gravity reading.

  7. When ready to bottle, boil priming sugar in approx. 1 cup water for 1 minute, add to bottom of bottling bucket, ADD Orange Cream Extract to bottling
    bucket, then siphon beer into the same bucket. Fill bottles to 1 “ from top of bottle and cap.

  8. Store beer at 67 – 70 degrees for 7 – 10 days minimum.
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  • Public: Yup, Shared
  • Last Updated: 2013-01-06 23:05 UTC
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jturkish 01/06/2013 at 10:24pm
og end up being 1.056 but i messed this recipe up because the original recipe called for 3/4 lb flaked rice and i ended up getting 1 lb. Then on brew day i ended up mashing at a very high temp, around 175.also, the peel and chunky marmalade at the end of the boil was only left in the wort for 5 minutes after the kettle was placed into the ice bath, so they were only in there for 10 minutes - not sure if this is enough time

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jturkish 01/06/2013 at 11:08pm
note 2 - i added corn syrup to the fermentables section because of the marmalade - recipe calls for 1 lb marmalade but i was only able to find a 14 oz jar...this brought my efficiency down to a more logical number since my starting gravity was 1.056

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