Method:BIAB Style:American Pale Ale Boil Time:60 min Batch Size:5.5 gallons
(fermentor volume) Pre Boil Size:7.5 gallons Pre Boil Gravity:1.033
(recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 65%
(brew house) Calories:150 calories
(Per 12oz)
Carbs:13.1 g
(Per 12oz)
Lower ABV Session Pale, experimenting with Pilsner Malt as the base. This is supposed to be a hop showcase with very little input from the malt.
Going with a "Thick" BIAB technique. Using a 5gal grainbill with a 3gal mash (kettle/stove fitment issues preclude the use of full water volume on the stovetop, AND back-adding chilled water will speed up the process! WIN WIN!)
Treat the recipe as 5gal, but only use 3gal to mash with - making essentially a diluted DIPA, which comes out as a session.
I'm trying to streamline a lot of processes to make this recipe doable in a 2-3hr time frame, including the chilling and pitch.
Sugar is added to lower the grain weight (again, kettle/fitment issues) and to see what affect this has on the finished beer. The sugar is added as a simple syrup (~1lb in 3c water) after high kreusen is reached in the fermentor. I don't necessarily want the yeast hitting that sugar first, and I'd rather they get it as after they're done with all the malt sugars. This is an educated guess.
I'm trying 10 new things on this beer, but it'll come out just fine.
11/30 - Notes - Beer has been completed and on-tap for more than 2 weeks. It has a bit of catty smell from the Citra despite trying to avoid boiling it for too long, and some generally pissy-ness from the Pilsner, both of which are fading fast. It's bright and clean tasting and damn near chuggably smooth. Brew day start to finish was 2:45, grain to glass in 6 days.
I forgot my Whirfloc, but tried using a gelatin fining to some moderate success.
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Last Updated: 2015-12-15 23:36 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
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System Default
Water Requirements:
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
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Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
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