30 min steep of grains
60 min DME and first hop
Clover honey last 20 mins boil
orange peel 1-2 oranges last 10 mins boil
place in secondary after 1 week for 1-2 weeks
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Last Updated: 2015-12-08 01:55 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
' #1 American Honey orange Ale
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
' #1 American Honey orange Ale
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
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Andre H • 06/05/2015 at 06:52pm I'm still a novice at home brewing....and loving every minute of me "new obsession"! Questions: how can i convert this recipe to a full boil vs. the 3.5 gallon boil call for in the recipe? Will the full boil have a negative effect on the beer? Why are two different boil times given..the description says 45 min and the notes say 60 min?
codger • 12/08/2015 at 01:04am
chippola • 12/08/2015 at 01:55am
5 of 5
I changed it to 45 min to make it a little more time effective. It really does not matter you can just get a little more out of the hop. A full boil is OK l like to add ice as a cooling agent also to help speed things up. I don't have a wart chiller. I do simple but I can still get good flavor. Experiment to get your rithem down on how you like to brew.