Brewed successfully on 03/19/16.
Efficiency was higher probably due to the pH.
OG 14.3 brix (1.0558-1.056*). I got about 6 full gallons - aimed for 71% efficiency (got 73% reflected on recipe).
Pitched yeast @66 degrees.
Mash at 154.4 & 154.4@ 30 mins.
I saw some bubbles @ about 2.5 hours after I pitch, it's fermenting but no signs of active fermentation otherwise.
03/23/16: Gravity measured @ 7.1 brix (1.0126). Seems like this particular yeast strain likes to attenuate much higher than expected (5-7 points under this calculator [usually 3 under])
03/29/16: Gravity 7.25 brix (1.013 @5.4% - 76% attenuation**)
04/04/16: kegged @7.1 brix (1.0126 at 5.5%).
05/02/16: Tapped the keg. Poured a still-cloudy pint. Flavor was actually very malty and reminescent of the brown ale almost, it did have a hint of hop aroma, and finishes with more hops. It feels pretty thick on the tongue, so either mashing lower or using a higher attenuating yeast will be more to my liking.
Also the water profile was set for amber-malty.
Alcohol wise it's much easier on the brain.
We'll see how it mellows out.
05/03/16: I tasted today with a clean palate and overall it's a very drinkable beer. There's caramel and sweetness up front that's followed by some hop in the after-taste. Does not taste like 35 IBUs, but it does have more hop aroma than the brown ale. I can see myself brewing this again but with more attenuative yeast, and dry water profile.
Visually it's cloudy (probably because of the hop oils), and I fined it today. Foam has a slight red-hue to it. Overall not bad.
05/07/16: Tried several pours and the gelatin is starting to make it sparkly very nicely. It's pretty malty and thick, with some caramel and dark fruits, but not much toffee or nuttiness like I expected. The hops come in at the end to keep the beer balanced- you can really taste how much the Fuller's yeast enhances the malt profile.
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Last Updated: 2016-06-04 01:30 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
ESB All Grain - 3rd Revision (WLP002)
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
ESB All Grain - 3rd Revision (WLP002)
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
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