Total Water Volume Needed = 10.00 gal
Mash Water = 5.5 gal
Sparge Water = 4.5 gal
Strike Temp = 160 Deg
Mash Temp = 148 for 90 minutes
Pre-Boil Volume = 7.3 Gallons
Add Fermcap-S at boil
Add Corn Sugar with 15 minutes left on the boil
Add Whirlfloc tablets 15 minutes left in boil
Rehydrate US-05 prior to pitching
May want to filter hops from brew kettle to primary
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Last Updated: 2015-04-21 15:47 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Easy Imperial IPA (Double IPA)
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Easy Imperial IPA (Double IPA)
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
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LJvermonster • 10/16/2014 at 04:54pm Going to be brewing this 10/25/14! Will let everyone know how it comes out.
LJvermonster • 11/05/2014 at 08:36pm Fun fact, forgot the Corn Sugar but collected less wort and hit my OG (1.082). Will be interested to see how this tastes vs when I brew it correctly.
LJvermonster • 11/10/2014 at 08:11pm Started dry hopping this weekend, 11/8/14. The yeast did too good of a job. Knocking the FG to 1.010 = 9.45% ABV.The taste, however, was fantastic. Couldn't really tell that it was a 9.5% beer. Even drinking out of the test tube with zero filtration the hops we're crazy overpowering. The end was bitter but, again, there was no filtering that disturbance the addition of 4 oz for dryhopping and swirling caused.Has solid potential, can't wait to bottle this weekend (provided my 2nd kid doesn't come between now and then).
LJvermonster • 11/14/2014 at 01:47am Added last round of dry hops last night. Had a false alarm today!! Hunter is probably coming in the next day or two! Can he wait till Sunday?? That'd be great so I can bottle THIS baby!!
LJvermonster • 11/16/2014 at 07:32pm Finally bottled. Only got 3 gallons of beer from this brew (granted I only collect 4.5 gallons in lieu of the 5.5 I was aiming for). I did get 4 additional beers from the trub but they are mostly hops. Lost 1.5 gallons to trub. I know there's a lot of hops in this brew but I wasn't expecting the amount of hops at the bottom of the bucket.Anyone know of a really good way to filter hops?
The_BBQ_Brewer • 10/15/2020 at 08:37pm I use painters nylon bags for dry hopping. Works wonders! Sorry for resurrecting an old post.