Pliny The Elder (Liam's Clone version) Beer Recipe | All Grain Double IPA | Brewer's Friend
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Pliny The Elder (Liam's Clone version)

210 calories 17.5 g 330 ml
Beer Stats
Method: All Grain
Style: Double IPA
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 24 liters (ending kettle volume)
Pre Boil Size: 28.2 liters
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.057 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 75% (ending kettle)
Source: Michael B
Calories: 210 calories (Per 330ml)
Carbs: 17.5 g (Per 330ml)
Created: Friday May 5th 2023
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
2.71 kg Muntons - Maris Otter2.71 kg Maris Otter 38 2.3 38.5%
3.11 kg Canadian - Pale 2-Row3.11 kg Pale 2-Row 36 1.75 44.2%
0.15 kg Corn Sugar - Dextrose0.15 kg Corn Sugar - Dextrose - (late boil kettle addition) 42 0.5 2.1%
0.14 kg Weyermann - Carahell0.14 kg Carahell 34 10 2%
0.24 kg Briess - Carapils Malt0.24 kg Carapils Malt 34.5 1.5 3.4%
0.23 kg Weyermann - Acidulated0.23 kg Acidulated 27 3.4 3.3%
0.16 kg American - Caramel / Crystal 40L0.16 kg Caramel / Crystal 40L 34 40 2.3%
0.29 kg Cane Sugar0.29 kg Cane Sugar 46 0 4.1%
7.03 kg / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
1.42 oz BSG - Chinook1.42 oz Chinook Hops Pellet 12.5 Mash 60 min 9.95 11.7%
1.42 oz Columbus (15 AA)1.42 oz Columbus (15 AA) Hops Pellet 15 Boil 90 min 64.06 11.7%
0.71 oz BSG - Chinook0.71 oz Chinook Hops Pellet 12.5 Boil 90 min 26.69 5.9%
0.69 oz Yakima Valley Hops - Warrior (17.3 AA)0.69 oz Yakima Valley Hops - Warrior (17.3 AA) Hops Pellet 17.3 Boil 90 min 35.9 5.7%
0.78 oz Simcoe0.78 oz Simcoe Hops Pellet 12.7 Boil 45 min 25.56 6.4%
0.82 oz Columbus0.82 oz Columbus Hops Pellet 15 Boil 30 min 26.58 6.8%
1.87 oz Centennial1.87 oz Centennial Hops Pellet 10 Boil 0 min 15.4%
0.82 oz Simcoe (12.7 AA)0.82 oz Simcoe (12.7 AA) Hops Pellet 13.4 Boil 0 min 6.8%
1.64 oz Columbus1.64 oz Columbus Hops Pellet 15 Dry Hop 7 days 13.5%
0.89 oz Centennial0.89 oz Centennial Hops Pellet 10 Dry Hop 7 days 7.3%
1.07 oz Simcoe (12.7 AA)1.07 oz Simcoe (12.7 AA) Hops Pellet 13.4 Dry Hop 7 days 8.8%
12.13 oz / 0.00
Mash Guidelines
Amount Description Type Start Temp Target Temp Time
Infusion -- 67 °C 75 min
Sparge -- 75 °C 15 min
Starting Mash Thickness: 2 L/kg
Starting Grain Temp: 18 °C
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Cost Type Use Time
0.89 each whirlfloc Fining Boil 15 min.
Fermentis - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05
0.89 Each
Attenuation (avg):
Optimum Temp:
12 - 25 °C
Fermentation Temp:
18 °C
Pitch Rate:
1.0 (M cells / ml / ° P) 404 B cells required
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Method: dextrose       Amount: 282.4 g       Temp: 18 °C       CO2 Level: 2.2 Volumes
Target Water Profile
Light colored and hoppy
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
141 20 7 38 353 0
Mash (41L):

20g gypsum
3g CaCl
4g Mg Sulphate

added directly to mash:
1g baking soda


15g gypsum
2.3g CaCl
3g Mg Sulphate

added directly to grains at sparge:
1g baking soda
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator

the goal here isn't actually to clone pliny the elder, but rather to clone the clone that won the NHS gold medal.

Wyeast 1056 America Ale Yeast or White Labs WLP001 or Safale US-05

Water salts:
Gypsum: 11gm/ 8gm
Epsom salts: 4gm/ 3gm
Calcium chloride: 1.5gm/ 1gm
Lactic acid: 0


Mash grains at 151-152° F (66-67° C) for an hour or until starch conversion is complete.

Mash out at 170° F (77° C) and sparge. Collect 8 gallons (30 L) of runoff, stir in dextrose, and bring to a boil. Add hops as indicated in the recipe. A 90 minute boil,

Our Whirlpool Meathod:

  1. Add Whirlfloc/ yeast nutrient @5 mins left on boil
  2. Add 0 min hop addition
  3. cut flame/ heat and whirlpool with hops in kettle. Wait 10 minutes

    Cold Crash after this rest period

    chill wort to 67° F (19° C) and transfer to fermenter. Pitch two packages of yeast or a yeast starter and aerate well. Ferment at 67° F (19° C) until fermentation activity subsides, then rack to secondary.

    Add first set of dry hops on top of the racked beer and age 7-9 days, then add the second set. Age five more days then bottle or keg the beer.

    original recipe:

    Minor hopping adjustments made to account for 10% reduction in weight due to using pellets, and then minor rounding for economy of hop acquisition. We used less gypsum than the recipe called for because the numbers were insane so I looked at other data from the original brewer as well as the cult of homebrewers cloning some of the commercial versions of Pliny the Elder over the years in regards to water profiles and came up with a middle ground that I'm more confident in.

    "9.48 oz (269 g) corn sugar per 12.3 gallon carboy to prime
    12 Tbs (177 mL) gypsum in mash" -original recipe

    21.87g per US gallon
    x1 gallon/3.79L
    5.78g per liter
    121g per 21L

    21.87g per US gallon
    6.07 gallon carboys
    = 132.75g

    we primed 1 fermentor with 121g and the other with 132.75g, since the original recipe has a bit of room for divergence here. Will see which we prefer and note it here later.
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  • Public: Yup, Shared
  • Last Updated: 2023-08-31 16:43 UTC
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