"Passport To Prague - Gluten Free" Czech Pale Lager beer recipe by Cale Baldwin. All Grain, ABV 4.95%, IBU 48.98, SRM 5.78, Fermentables: (Pale Millet Malt - Gluten Free, Munich Millet Malt, Vienna Millet Malt, Light Biscuit Rice Malt, Rice Hulls, US - Grouse Malt House - Caramel Buckwheat, US - Maltodextrin) Hops: (Saaz) Other: (Ondea Pro, Ceremix Flex, Whirlfloc, Beer Nutrient)
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Last Updated: 2023-03-25 02:45 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Passport To Prague - Gluten Free
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Water Requirements:
Passport To Prague - Gluten Free
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
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Cale B • 02/22/2023 at 05:20pm It’s not often that us gluten free home brewers get the opportunity to use liquid yeast propagated on a non-barley medium. In anticipation of my upcoming shipment of Propagate Labs liquid yeast I’ve crafted a simple yet elegant recipe to utilize one of the four available strains from GFHB- Andechs Lager yeast.
Stuart Cole has already raised the bar to stratospheric highest so I’ll do my best to ride his coat tails. My mind has been transported to the land of Czech Pilsner. Here’s an quick overview of my ‘Passport To Prague’ Czech Pilsner:
Us gluten free brewers know a thing or two about breaking new ground and trailblazing new paths. Such is also the path of Josef Groll, who in the 1830’s became the brewer that popularized the worlds first pale lager using bottom-fermenting yeast. Brewed in Pilsen, Czech Republic a short 90km from Prague, this pale lager style took ahold of the brewing world and is still one of the most brewed styles in across the globe. Prost!
Recipe will be on the GFHB recipe database (and on Brewer's Friend with the QR code in the image below). Get your celiac-safe, gluten free “Andechs Lager" liquid yeast at GlutenFreeHomeBrewing.com: https://glutenfreehomebrewing.com/STOREProduct/1040/Andechs-Lager-MIP-620.html