Bill %
65 g |
Tettnanger65 g Tettnanger Hops |
Pellet |
5 |
60 min |
17.26 |
50% |
65 g |
Hersbrucker65 g Hersbrucker Hops |
Pellet |
5 |
15 min |
8.57 |
50% |
130 g
/ 0.00 €
Mash Guidelines
Start Temp
Target Temp
55 L |
Strike |
-- |
60 °C |
20 min |
Temperature |
-- |
65 °C |
20 min |
Temperature |
-- |
69 °C |
20 min |
Temperature |
-- |
75 °C |
10 min |
Starting Grain Temp:
18 °C |
Target Water Profile
Balanced Profile
Recipe is based on Belgian Tripel by David Heath (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LFIkTovJ5I).
This beer will be made in the Braumeister 50 L. A guide in dutch can be found here: https://brouwland.com/nl/index.php?controller=attachment&id_attachment=9064
Shopping list:
- Malts: Ask to ground your malts in the shop. Ideal grounding size for the Braumeister can be found here: https://www.speidels-braumeister.de/en/beer-brewing/tips-and-tricks.html . Buy: 1) 10 kg of pilsner malt, 2) 0,75 kg of CaraMunich OR CaraVienna malt, take the one with lowest color version you can find.
- Sugar: I prefer clear candi sugar. Buy 1,75 kg.
- Hops: you can experiment with Saaz, Tettnanger, Hallertau, Magnum and Hersbrucker. Saaz and Tettnanger are bittering hops (60min) of choice. All can be used as aroma hop (15min). The amounts should be adjusted based on the AA% content on the package.
- Yeast: Try Belgian Abbey yeast and Norwegian Kveik yeast. You can also try co-fermentation.
Process notes:
- For mashing add 55L of water in Braumeister. Only malts are added during this stage (candi sugar is only introduced during boil). Set all mash steps in Braumeister. No sparging is performed (only leaking).
- After mashing bring to a boil for 60 min. At start boil add bittering hop. 15 min before the end add a whirlfloc and the aroma hop. After this start to introduce the candi sugar. Try to avoid burning the sugar!
Last Updated and Sharing
- Public: Yup, Shared
- Last Updated: 2023-02-15 11:47 UTC
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Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost € |
Cost % |
Fermentables |
€ |
Steeping Grains (Extract Only) |
€ |
Hops |
€ |
Yeast |
€ |
Other |
€ |
Cost Per Barrel |
€ 0.00 |
Cost Per Pint |
€ 0.00 |
Total Cost |
€ 0.00 |
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