Mona Lisa 2022 Beer Recipe | All Grain Russian Imperial Stout | Brewer's Friend
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Mona Lisa 2022

291 calories 26.2 g 12 oz
Beer Stats
Method: All Grain
Style: Russian Imperial Stout
Boil Time: 180 min
Batch Size: 6 gallons (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 10 gallons
Post Boil Size: 6 gallons
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.053 (recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity: 1.088 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 50% (brew house)
Source: Stone / BYO / Custom
Hop Utilization: 99%
Calories: 291 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 26.2 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Friday February 18th 2022
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The Abyss Clone

by fboyle

OG: 1.108 FG: 1.036 ABV: 9.4% IBU: 64

Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
22 lb US - Pale 2-Row22 lb Pale 2-Row 37 1.8 79.1%
2.50 lb Crisp Malting - Amber2.5 lb Amber 33.1 27.5 9%
0.50 lb American - Roasted Barley0.5 lb Roasted Barley 33 300 1.8%
1.25 lb American - Caramel / Crystal 120L1.25 lb Caramel / Crystal 120L 33 120 4.5%
0.50 lb United Kingdom - Black Patent0.5 lb Black Patent 27 525 1.8%
17 oz Dry Malt Extract - Light17 oz Dry Malt Extract - Light 42 4 3.8%
0.01 lb Dry Malt Extract - Extra Light0.01 lb Dry Malt Extract - Extra Light 42 2.5 0%
27.82 lbs / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
1.50 oz Warrior1.5 oz Warrior Hops Pellet 16 Boil 60 min 73.32 100%
1.50 oz / 0.00
Mash Guidelines
Amount Description Type Start Temp Target Temp Time
9.5 gal Infusion 152 °F 152 °F 60 min
Starting Mash Thickness: 1 qt/lb
Starting Grain Temp: 65 °F
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Cost Type Use Time
4 tbsp Phosphoric acid Water Agt Mash 0 min.
RVA Yeast Labs - RVA 101 Chico Ale
1 Each
Attenuation (custom):
Optimum Temp:
67 - 73 °F
Fermentation Temp:
Pitch Rate:
1.0 (M cells / ml / ° P) 480 B cells required
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Method: co2       CO2 Level: 2.75 Volumes
Target Water Profile
henrico county va 23233 feb 2022
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
24 5 26 12 17 52
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator

unclear on the notes below. if there was DME added i would estimate 10-11% otherwise probably 9.5%. the body is pretty thin. main issue with this beer is it stayed in the oak barrel way too long it just tastes like harsh wood. shouldve saved some on the side without to wood to evaluate separately.

Reading byo session to imperial article about imperial stou they suggest using brown sugar to get up to gravity I’d consider that. Also they mentioned double mash which I should def do it should def help since last time mash tun was maxed out and really too thick
majore lapse in note taking. unclear the OG or abv of this beer. somewhere between 9.5 and 12% smh. The OG on brew day was 1095. however there was 3 lb DME added to the recipe separate from what was already in the grain bill making me think i added it later. correcting the efficiency to 55% for the 1095 OG then adding the DME gives 1.116 down to 1020 making it 12.5% not considering the whiskey.

before today the efficiency was set at 50% not sure if that was corrected after brewday? not sure. leaving it there gives us 1.109 down to 1020 for 11.6%.

maybe i put the 3lb in the recipe just to calculate what it would be but never actually put it in? if thats the case it would be 1095 down to 1020 for 9.4% abv

Measured 1020 FG ...could that be right? That would be 80% attenuation for 11.6%. Its pretty brown and not black. Maybe there is more volume in there than I have here in recipe

considering adding LME to boost grav...(thinking LME instead of DME might be easier to work with),...adjusted volume and turned up the projected attenuation

last minute pulling out the oats. worried about stuck mash and wont be able to babysit....

got water report updating to that, looks like ph will be a little high so adding a little phosphoric acid.

thinking about mash. G40 is 11 gal in mash so we'll go 1 qt/lb mash thickness on 28 lbs grain. adding a line for DME in case we go to that later.

looks like it will be a little over 7 gallons strike water and 5 gallons sparge water.

pitching 1 jar of RVA 101 into almost a gallon of 1040 starter wort 2 days before. no stir plate.

wondering if this will all fit in the GF. could possibly do it all in the cooler or split between the two.

thinking about setting this up early in the day to mash during work and have it boil for 3 hours while i do dinner/bedtimes. setup the GF in the driveway if possible - will be a lot of steam.

see big beer schedule

adding notes to sparge strategy to try to achieve decent efficiency.
adjusting yeast - use rva 132 plus 3L starter


  • adding oats and removing DME for now.
    adjusting recipe for 65% efficiency and trying to hit 10%abv counting the oats as zero points contribution.
    probably want to use a grain bag if possible
    ** remember to take preboil gravity, and throughout. maybe last 10 minutes of the boil take gravity and decide whether or not to throw in some DME
  • adjusting to 2 hour boil
  • will plan to double mash.
    not sure the plan for that because g40 will be maxed out at 10g preboil and thats without grain
    ...maybe just take the first mash out and put the 2nd one in. then take it out and sparge to get to volume? will be leaving behind sugars in first mash...
    ** ...alternatively sparge both mashes. after first mash and sparge and mash is pulled, should have about 6-7 gallons, that should leave enough space to drop the 2nd mash in. when that comes out, i would think we'd then have 5-6 gallons left. and will have to sparge to get the rest of the way. 2nd mash will have absorbed some of the 1st mash wort so it should probably be richer in the end for more sparging?

  • reducing roasted barley from 1.25 down to 0.5
  • reducing black patent from 1.25 to 0.5
    ** wanted to use less but keeping it here to get within SRM for style
  • adding 1lb 120L for flavor and body
  • get rid of the fricking kviek!!! change to london3
  • adjusting efficiency to 70% :
    going to 2 hour boil
    im now on G40 which has been doing 2gal/hr so we'll go from 10g down to 6 during a 2 hour boil

    for yeast would need rva 132 200B pack and a 2L starter or equivalent

    todo :
  • need to figure out yeast requirements (packs, starters...)
  • consider oats
    its 21 lb grain...consider double mash
    ...if double mash consider more base grain and less DME
    ** any changes to grain bill, try to keep abv at 10%...

    this brew came out tasting funky again. submitted to JRHB dominion cup they said umami and i think that is correct. This is the third time this has happened to varying degrees, I previously thought it might be bad ingredients but I think hothead and/or too much roasted malt is to blame...

    Not sure what happened only came to 1.100 OG even after the 2 hour boil and DMe. It was 1075 before the DME.

    Last minute adding 2 lb base malt and reducing DME. Gonna play by ear how much dme to add
    booting this back up for big brew day with ryan tomorrow. we are doing two 5 gallon mash sparges into my 15 gallon kettle to boil all at once so that could change things. im expecting better efficiency even without the dry malt extract. plan to boil 90 minutes, check gravity, then potentially add 3 or 6 lbs total DME for the 10 gallon batch. i think we will need 14 gallons to start, boil down to 11 or 11.5, leave 1 behind for trub.
    FG 1.036 (cold sample)
    appears the starter wasnt necessary and didnt do anything anyway. Hit an official 10%
    SG 1.036 - made a 2x starter from a new hothead pack and tossed half of it into the batch.
    SG 1.041
    SG 1.045 fermented like crazy the first couple days just off the kveik pack no starter.
    brew day. Idk what just happened I hit 1.112 and high volume really, couldnt tell exact because of the foam but maybe it was only 5. I guess eff prob goes up if u add a lot of DME. This could be disaster or awesome
    just changing the batch size from 6.5 down to 5.5 and taking the 2row down from 15lb to 12lb to still arrive at 10%. considering using kviek yeast for this....

    revamping this for another attempt. shamefully adding dme and predicting over 70 eff to land at 10%. other than that no real changes. worried it might be too bitter hoppy? would like to NOT split the batch and just do 2 vanilla beans. bourbon oak would be nice but i feel that the failure of the last batch was from trying to do too much at once.
    brewed this on the road, came out with more than 6 gallons at 1.080 which was a mistake shouldve boiled longer. also used some old hops which may be putting off strange flavors.

    base recipe is Stone RIS clone found in byo magazine. recipe is scant, and doesnt really add up : . posted recipe is for 65% efficiency so actually less efficient than my system but i added a pound more base malt anyway to try to get over 10%abv. yeast is a little unclear wlp002 listed 65-70% attenuation so we will have to be perfect and hit 70% to get over 10%abv. but then this amounts to 1030 FG, recipe is listed at 1020. could use wlp007 english dry ale if hittin FG was a concern but i think extra sweetness in this beer is going to be ok.

    ==========MISC NOTES=============
    mona lisa stout

    austin homebrew
    1/4oz bitter
    1/2oz sweet
    fresh orange peel and juice
    (essentially a whole orange)

    4oz bakers unsweetened chocolate
    2 medium oranges
    take off the skins but not too much pith
    they soak skins in 1/2 cup vodka, adding allof it
    maybe use a thin glass so the vodka covers more

    final thoughts
    use the brewers peel sweet and bitter, soak in vodka with vanilla bean
    use thin glass
    add the whole thing
    optional : plus the orange juice

    austin homebrew
    cherry flavoring

    frozen sour cherries

    cherry juice concentrate
    might be better in reducing sugar and other flavors....

    final stand
    a) i guess prob just use frozen cherries. not sour! sweet/dark any other kind than sour
    b) cherry juice concentrate? how sour?
    Dark cherries. Aha recipe calls for 5 to 10 lb per 10 gal batch. I think I will go with 5. For split batch 3.333

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  • Public: Yup, Shared
  • Last Updated: 2023-03-26 15:53 UTC
  • Snapshot Created: 2022-02-18 16:16 UTC
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