Sour with Lacto B (from Matsoni yoghurt culture), 4 days at 28C.
Use Lactic acid to drop any further. I don't want this Ph to drop too low - about 3.6 is enough and the lime will also drop the Ph somewhat.
Add 1L of pure lime juice to fermenter after 4 days of fermenting.
*Notes - M44 Yeast was used because I didn't have any decent German yeast here. I chose this because its pretty good at flocculating and has a decent attenuation for what I want to achieve. Also, from experience, there aren't any strong esters, it's pretty clean especially if you ferment it at the higher end of it's range.
This beer should be super limey and a little tart.
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Last Updated: 2021-05-06 09:05 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Lime Gose - Dai Kide
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Lime Gose - Dai Kide
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
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Very limey, tart, not too sour like some gose. More like a traditional gose with lime. Perfect for summer. Refreshing, crisp. It came out with a higher efficiency. I am not sure why, usually this is spot on at 70%.