Brew42 21/08/20 - Hop Monster Beer Recipe | All Grain No Profile Selected | Brewer's Friend
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Brew42 21/08/20 - Hop Monster

182 calories 19 g 12 oz
Beer Stats
Method: All Grain
Style: No Profile Selected
Boil Time: 90 min
Batch Size: 42 liters (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 54 liters
Post Boil Size: 47 liters
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.048 (recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity: 1.055 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 74% (brew house)
Calories: 182 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 19 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Wednesday August 19th 2020
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
10 kg New Zealand - Ale Malt10 kg Ale Malt 37.4 3.05 100%
10 kg / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
40 g Brewmaster - Czech Saaz40 g Czech Saaz Hops Pellet 3 Boil 15 min 3.67 15.1%
15 g Southern Cross15 g Southern Cross Hops Pellet 6 Boil 15 min 2.75 5.7%
20 g Southern Cross20 g Southern Cross Hops Pellet 6 Boil 10 min 2.68 7.5%
30 g Southern Cross30 g Southern Cross Hops Pellet 6 Boil 5 min 2.21 11.3%
40 g Nelson Sauvin40 g Nelson Sauvin Hops Pellet 8 Hopback at 84 °C 10 min 15.1%
40 g Citra40 g Citra Hops Pellet 11 Hopback at 84 °C 10 min 15.1%
80 g Southern Cross80 g Southern Cross Hops Pellet 6 Hopback at 84 °C 10 min 30.2%
265 g / 0.00
CO2 Level: 0 Volumes
Target Water Profile
Balanced Profile
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
0 0 0 0 0 0
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator

Treat water 1/2 each HLT with 1 tsp Magnesium Sulphate ( E. Salts ) and 2 tsp Calcium Sulphate ( Gypsum ).
Mash start 0820 10KG G Ale Malt in 28L water. 67C.
Start recirc 0910. Runoff to Kettle at 0940 - 30L at 1005, 40L at 1010, 50L at 1020. Large cooling coil in and displace approx 1 Litre.
Fire up gas at 1000. Collect total 54L for boil. Boiling at 1042.
Add 40gms Czech Saaz and 15gms Southern Cross (SX) at 11.00 Add 25gms SX at 1205 and another 30gms SX at 1210. Flameout at 1215.
Start cooling 2 x coils and 2 x fans at 1215.
Stop all cooling at 84C add 80gms SX, 40gms Citra and 40gms Nelson Sauvin at 1225.Fire up heat again at 1242 70C to bring up to 84C. Turn off heat 1255 82C. Turn on cooling again at 1310 80C giving 45mins in the low 80's hop absorption time. very cloudy/ hazy look. 70C at 1317, 55C at 1325, 40C at 1340. 30C 1355. 25C at 1410. 20C at 1430 still very cloudy. 18C at 1440. 17C at 1450. 16C at 1500.
Stop all cooling at 1500 still very cloudy - will just have to start runoff to fermenters. Start slow runoff to F2 at 1500. OG 1055. Interesting mid mouth not too bitter hoppiness.
Pitch yeasts S04 into F1 and US05 into F2 both ex Brew 41.
Finish runoff to both 21L Collected.
Both quite cloudy - go well Brew 42 x 2.
Saturday 22/8 0920 F2 ( US05 ) bubbling away nicely nothing yet from F1 ( S04 ). F1 slow bubbling at 1440. By Sunday morning bubbling really well. Both smell good, fresh and clean.

Tuesday 25/8 F2 Gravity at 1017? Hazy colour somewhere in between orange and ( more so ) grapefruit juice. Superb taste more lively and hoppy but still good malt balance. Add 60gm Mosaic, 40gm Citra and 100gm Nelson Sauvin for dry hop - lift temp to 22C.
F1 Gravity 1017? Similar colour to F2 perhaps a little more of a straw/ grapefruit colour. Tasting a little thinner/ cleaner. Runoff F1 to MJ Fermenter add 120gm Nelson Sauvin for dry hop. A fair bit of yeast coming through at times. Collect 19.5L - lift temp to 22C. Salvage yeast collect 1L total 600ml yeast 400ml liquor.

Wednesday 26/8 drop both to 18C. F1 having a fruity ( banana/ Feijoa/ mango?? ) estery smell and flavour. F2 very clean smell and taste with citrus notes.
Thursday 27/8 Both still similar - a little more developed/ smooth for both F1 slightly less fruity better balance?
1330 drop temp F1 to 3.5C.
Friday 28/8 F1 smell still similar tasting smoother. F2 still very delicious. Drop temp F2 to 4C.
Saturday 29/8 F1 smell and taste less estery?? Clearing considerably. F2 still delicious not really clearing yet.
Monday 31/8 F2 still really yum and clearing nicely.
F1 much better taste still slight lolly smell. Runoff to Keg1 - collect 17-17.5L.
Tuesday 1/9 F2 runoff to Keg2 - collect 18.5L?.

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  • Last Updated: 2021-06-18 00:11 UTC
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