Method:All Grain Style:Blonde Ale Boil Time:60 min Batch Size:5.5 gallons
(fermentor volume) Pre Boil Size:5 gallons Post Boil Size:3.5 gallons Pre Boil Gravity:1.052
(recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity:1.074
(recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 70%
(brew house) Calories:153 calories
(Per 12oz)
Carbs:13.2 g
(Per 12oz)
"Meadowbrook Blonde Ale" Blonde Ale beer recipe by hundel. All Grain, ABV 5.11%, IBU 16.09, SRM 3.85, Fermentables: (Pale 2-Row, Maris Otter Pale) Hops: (Hallertau Mittelfruh)
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Last Updated: 2020-09-06 03:50 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Meadowbrook Blonde Ale
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Meadowbrook Blonde Ale
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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hundel • 08/16/2020 at 04:19pm Uaing this recipe to teach my friend how to brew with some equipment I’ll be handing down. I’ve tried to adapt the recipe to a 6 gallon. Boil kettle. Ingredients
8 lbs US Pale 2-Row Barley (crushed) 2 lbs English Marris Otter Barley (crushed) 1.5 oz Hallertau Mittelfruh Hops (pellets) 1 Safale US-05 Yeast (dry)
1. Place bag in kettle with 3 gallons water, heat to 168F, pour barley into bag 2. Mix gently bottom to top (heat/cool to 154F if needed) 3. Heat a second kettle of 3 gallons of water to 170F (for rinse/sparse) 4. Boil and cool 2 gallons of water for topping off carboy (or set aside 2 gallons Poland Springs) 5. Steep (“mashâ€) 60 minutes (heat/cool to 154F if needed), remove from heat 6. Hang grain bag over kettle until dripping slows 7. Pour second kettle of water over bag slowly (sparse) 16 oz at a time waiting for dripping to slow from each pour until kettle is 3/4 full (4 gallons). 8. Heat kettle (wort) to boil (if “boil over†starts spray surface immediately with spray bottle of water) 9. Boil total of 60 minutes adding 1 oz of hops 60 minutes from end of boil, .25 oz at 20m and .25 oz at 5m 10. Cool wort in kettle to 70F in ice bath or sterile immersion chiller (copper coil attached to garden hose). Note: everything wort touches from here on must be sanitized. 11. Measure original gravity (dissolved sugar) in wort using hydrometer or refractometer (OG 1.047 for this recipe is 5% ABV) 12. Pour wort into carboy (or fermenting bucket) using sanitized funnel and top off to 5g (or to reach 5.5 indicated by OG reading) 13. Cover carboy with sanitized plug or fresh cling wrap and shake vigorously for 10 minutes (oxygenate) 14. Sanitize yeast pack, scissors, Pour yeast into carboy. Do not shake or disturb carboy. after this point (avoid oxydation) 15. Plug carboy with sanitized plug, add vapor lock filled with sanitizer to mark 16. Place carboy in cool dark place watching thermometer strip to keep temp steady at 68F. Yeast foam (Krausen) should begin in 24 hours. Optional: harvest yeast from top with sterile spoon for net batch) 17. Raise temp to 72F when active fermentation go for 3 days (or 80% complete). Fermentation is complete when activity has subsided for 4 days and yeast has fallen (floculated) Note: FG 1.008 is 5% ABV for this recipe) 18. Boil 4oz table sugar in 16oz water for 2 minutes and add to bottom of sanitized bottling bucket 19. Gently siphon beer into sanitized bottling bucket using sanitized siphon without splashing 20. Sanitize 40 bottles and caps 21. Fill bottles using sanitized bottling wand 22. Cap bottles using sanitized capper and caps 23. Leave bottles at 72F for 7-10 days or until yeas consumes added sugar and bottles are carbonated
6 gallon kettle Steeping Bag Long metal spoon Funnel Hook for draining grain bag Ice bath or immersion chiller 6 gallon carboy Candy thermometer Stick on thermometer Hydrometer or refractometer Starsan Sanitizer Scrubbing wand Bottling bucket Bottling wand Bottle capper 40 Bottles/caps