Target 55 ppm Calcium, 87 ppm Chloride, and 43 ppm sulfate using Calcium Chloride and Gypsum.
Mash at 149° F for 30 minutes. Pull decoction and boil for 10 minutes. Return decoction to main mash to raise to 155° F for 15 minutes. Pull second decoction and boil 15 minutes. Add second decoction back to main mash to raise temp to 170° F. 90 minute boil. After chilling, reserve 2 quarts of wort and use to naturally carbonate beer.
Pitch yeast at 48° F. Aerate for 2 minutes with O2. Ferment under pressure at 48° F. When nearly at terminal gravity ramp temperature up 4° F a day to 60° F for diacetyl rest. Transfer to keg with speiss to naturally carbonate.