Use the 50/50 ratio of tap and distilled water throughout the entire recipe; we have to pretend we're in Plzeň with it's beautiful water!
Mash grains (in bag) in 1.5 gal of water at 150°F for 90 minutes or until conversion is complete
Boil wort for 60 minutes
Add hops at 40 minutes
Cool wort and pitch yeast at 60°F - 70°F
Ferment at 60°F - 70°F for 1-2 weeks then clarify 2-3days before you plan to bottle. To clarify (Due to space and equipment limitations in my apartment I cannot cold lager a whole fermentor so I will use gelatin.)
To clarify the beer, mix 1g of gelatin in 2oz of warm water and let it re-hydrate a little bit. Then heat it to 150°F either in a microwave (use 5-10 second bursts) or stove top. Do not boil it. Mix it in the primary fermentor and let it sit for 2-3 days.
Once it is clearer, rack and bottle condition for another 1-2 weeks Either use fermentor's drops or priming sugar (about .7oz per gallon) I will be cold lagering it in the bottles in my fridge (which gets close to 32°F)