Vorlauf carefully to enhance preboil wort clarity. Keep hops in muslin bags. Remove bittering hops at 60 mins. Add late copper hops at flameout in two bags and let stand between 95-100 C for 5 mins, then start cooling the wort with chiller at max rate. Remove hops after 5 mins of active cooling. At ~room temperature, remove chiller and put kettle in fridge (closed lid) for about 60 mins so that all major break particles have enough time to settle at the bottom. Carefully rack from top to carboy leaving break material in kettle. Pitch 150ml/l Fuller's yeast starter (unstirred) @17.5°C, aerate by shaking and let temperature rise to 20.5°C over the course of fermentation that should take between 3-5 days. When fermentation has slowed down considerably but is not quite finished yet (SG ~1.016), you should rack to secondary carboy, leaving about 150 mls of head space. At this stage you can add initial dry hops, too. The ongoing fermentation & co2 release will cause some krausen on top, but it will also purge the headspace and eat the oxygen intoduced at wort transfer stage. Put an airlock on top. When fermentation stops completely (~2 more days at 20.5°C) you can start cooling down the wort in a fridge. When you have reached ~0-5°C, add some isinglass solution and fresh dry hops, filling the carboy neck all the way to the airlock, thus minimizing the air volume. When the beer drops clear, bottle it straight from secondary FV. Add 2 grams of corn sugar in boiled solution per 33cl bottle or 3 grams of sugar per 50cl bottle. Add 2-3 drops of fresh yeast slurry from a fresh starter per bottle to kickstart healthy bottle conditioning phase and ensure rapid oxygen uptake by yeast.