-heated mash water to 81c but it was 72c when drained to mash tun! and needed 75c. So, heat water to about 85c. Had so boil some mash water to mash in at 75c, and mash temp was then 66c.
- preboil gravity was 1034, which seems about right. very clear sample. Preboil volumn was high (42lt) due to using same total water and having less grain absorption.
-OG 1037 (rather than the 1038 TG as I used too much water and didn't account for less grain absorption).
-Forgot to pur whirflock tab in and chiller so sterilised chiller seperaterly. Clarity???
- Underpitched according to whitelabs but will be happier with 1010 anyway.
- 131 gr bottling sugar. 2.2 cos at 15c and 27.5 litres
Fg 1006. 4.07 abv. 1008 predicted and annoyed at how low the chicos strains go as my temp control was good and I was even under pitching. Taste at bottling is promising with nice hop flavour and malt sweetness before dry finish. Cloudy as hell (forgot Irish moss).