Brew Day - September 30, 2018
0830 - start with prep, grinding grain, heating tap water shooting for about 172° F.
0910 - Add grain and 10 qts H20 to mash at 155.5° F
1010 - Lautered with 178°F water to mash out at no more than 170° F for 30 min (actual temp = 167° F)
1040 - Sparged 9.5 gal @ 11 Brix 1.044)
1245 - pitched hops
1445 - cooled, landed at 1.070
1530 - cleaned up and fermented warmer than I would like. Cellar was around 73° F (warm Fall)
October 9, 2018 - Add 2 quarts Very Best Strong Dark Baking (old Grade B/C) Maple Syrup, 3 split vanilla beans, and 1 tsp of ground cinnamon in secondary. First heated all to 200°F and allowed to cool covered. Racked beer onto sugars, beer was at 1.025 SG (attenuation of .65%)
December 17, 2017 - Finally finished and racked it to a keg...the secondary ferment took a long time to kick off but when it finally did (approx 4-5 days into the secondary) it bubbled about once every 10 seconds for a month. FG was 1.022 in the end so all sugar fermented but it is still sweet. We'll see how it balances